Quickmatch is for Noobs. Pros use server browser. Got 3 buddies with you? Join a game that 16/24. You'll be on the same team or be able to switch quickly. Quick match puts in into the first avaibale match with enought room to join... hence quick match. Why is it that everyone rage quits when the lose and i keep playing and start winning as soon as my buddies leave? Maybe the suck... just happy they aint active on FH.... mwhahahah but Man i cant stand people who just whine day in day out no matter what the game.
Woah guy, I didn't actually know that's why my teams were breaking. I love this game to death, I play a lot and just got my service star for the tank, but you got to admit a ****ing manual would have helped.
I'm pretty sure he was talking about his friends that rage quit, not you. I think the Quick Match should take into account the people in your squad and put you on the same team/squad. Sure, using the Server Browser isn't hard, but I shouldn't be forced to use it every time I want to join a game with friends in my squad.
MP1st – BF3: Bolt Action Rifles Can 1HK at Close Range – DICE Reveals Future Balance Updates Pt. 2 Looks like aggressive recon is making a comeback. And some more interesting patch notes. EDIT: Look at this beat down with the chopper http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/battlereport/show/12968569/2/161500067/ 6k points just in the chopper. EDIT2: Physical Warfare pack is now free on xbox live [The Physical Warfare Pack gives you immediate access to the Type 88 LMG, the DAO-12, flechette ammo for the DAO-12, and a flash suppressor for the SKS sniper rifle.] http://marketplace.xbox.com/en-US/Product/Physical-Warfare-Pack/34bf3c5a-397c-4a51-857a-c411eb15dc1a Also, Karkand is AWESOME!!
I can't play for more than a round at the moment on PC. I don't get why, and I don't know how to fix it. I'm slightly heartbroken the game is still so buggy. With that said, I've already got two service stars in the Jet (And I believe I have 11 with M249).... I'm such a ****ing boss in that thing. Just a shame I never get chance to use or chopper, or when I do my chopper gunner is a moron We should play sometime Vice <3 my stats if you're interested
We can... you just have to buy it for xbox 360 where we have much less game breaking issues. I would have gotten it for PC but i would require me building one from scratch and thats to much money to dedicate. even if it was under $1000.
Sadface I was tempted to buy it for xbox... but now I already have it for PC, it would be a waste cause I'd just play it on PC and hardly ever on xbox.
I know man. The buy for xbox was an obvious one because i already had 6 friends getting it for that and those who were gonna get it for pc decided against because of the Origin.com thing and got it for xbox... maybe when it gets really cheap you'll buy it In other news found a new damage stat page. ~Symthic.com: REAL Battlefield 3 Charts: Damage, Time to Kill, Accuracy, Vehicle, Attachments + Stats and Mechanics Also, Stevo join > http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/platoon/2832655240986186408/stats/
****ing online pass. I waste an hour downloading a damn update for the freaking thing, just so it can tell me I can't play online because I rented it so I don't have a pass. The ****?
Rental. I'm not even sure I want to buy the game or ask for it for Christmas with how lame the story is either.
Do you really base a battlefield game on its campaign? Multiplayer is ****ing worth buying battlefield 3 for.
I have the game... I've played 2 missions on campaign. Campaign is nothing in this game because you don't get to do this in a Jet: Battlefield Moments: Epic Jet Flyby! - YouTube JETS!! MOTHER ****ING JETS!!!
Do you ever have anything positive to say? Anyways, yes, Battlefield's story was pretty bad, and felt like a profound mixture of Black Ops and MW2. It's incredibly pathetic how they're now acting like it was better. It wasn't and they should accept that. Multiplayer is a whole different world. It's tactical, realistic, and requires patients and skill, which fortunately weeds out all the twelve year old COD fanboys.
So i got a kill with the skidloader 10 minuntes after deciding I'd go for the "Like a boss" achievo. Someone was running from a tank that just exploding right into my skid's.