
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by dented_drum, May 2, 2008.


Vote for the weapon that SHOULDN'T be on this map (list in OP)

  1. Take out the Shotgun

  2. Take out the Energy Sword

  3. Take out one Mauler

  4. Take out two Maulers

  5. Take out the Sniper Rifle

  1. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
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    I'm fully capable of taking constructive criticism, and I'll handle each question.

    1. You don't have to crouch in the Camo tunnel. The only part in which you have to make an awkward motion is to jump on your way out. I don't like that fact either, but in order to make it so it was a smooth walk up, I'd lose the no-crouching factor. Merging the surrounding boxes at a further distance in order to provide more room would make for that ugly glitching when boxes are too far merged. I attempted to take the less of all evils. It works, actually.

    2. I'm not sure what you're asking with the second question. I'd be happy to answer if I knew what you were referring to. Hopefully you'll come back and check, and clarify.

    3. True. Camping with the Sword is a possibility. I'll continue this answer on the next question.

    4. The 5 CQC Weapons are because it's a CQC map. I'm fully open for weapon advice, as this and spawns are my weakest part of Forging. However, I knew I wanted an Energy Sword on this map before I started building it. The Shotgun and Maulers are there to counter the Sword, and each other. I didn't want any individual person owning the only CQC weapon and dominating the map. Although, I can see where 5 might be too many. I'm open for suggestions.

    5. Weapon holders behind the wall? I didn't think of that. I'll most definitely keep that in mind. Thanks.....Also, I'd like to note that I'm colorblind. I'd no clue that Weapon Holders were purple until just now. I can't see purple at all. Maybe that redeems me just a wee bit.
    #21 dented_drum, May 2, 2008
    Last edited: May 2, 2008
  2. Tork232

    Tork232 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    it has detail

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    This map is really good especially for someone new.
  4. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Tork, don't double post, and at least try to use correct spelling.
    this map looks very nice, and i love the whole in-ground cave idea, it's creative and it looks like you pulled it off.
  5. o0 god 0o

    o0 god 0o Ancient
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    great map great interlocking and amazing idea for where the active camo is
  6. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
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    Thanks a lot guys!

    The Camo tunnel was completely on accident. I'm sure every Forger was accidently grabbed a piece of merged scenery and wound up with that ridiculously headache-causing lag. Well, I did just that. So, naturally, we placed the surrounding floor pieces on Start:No, and went to fix the box. When we replaced it, we saw a little whole on one side, and said, "Wow, wouldn't it be cool to make a little tunnel down there." The rest is history.

    Also, I'm surprised no one commented on the tilted Bridges that give it the arena feel. First time I've ever tried that, and with the Bridges there, the soft ceiling prevents anyone from getting out.
  7. Vicious Vice

    Vicious Vice Ghosts of Onyx
    Senior Member

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    looks very promising i will give it my d/l and come back with a more informative post
  8. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
    Senior Member

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    Looks pretty decent man. I am a fan of merging signs into walls. I used this technique in one of my older maps (Requiem) to showcase the A and B side of the tunnels on separate floors. It has a great subtle effect if you use it correctly,and it looks like you did.
    Is this your first map? Or just your first one posted on Forgehub?
  9. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
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    My first on ForgeHub. We've made several maps before this one. This and another are the most "pretty" maps we've made. I figured I'd get butchered on ForgeHub if I posted anything that wasn't perfectly merged and such. I'm workin' on postin' the other of our pretty maps, though.
  10. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
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    Hey there, this map was reviewed by the Forge Hub Review Team. Here is the review:

    Map Name: Solitary
    Author: dented_drum
    Gametypes: FFA, Slayer, Team Slayer

    Enjoyment: 9/10
    The map was quite enjoyable. We played FFA on it and found it quite fun and exciting. The different floors and tons of cover made it pretty suspenseful sometimes. Not knowing where the enemy is and if making a move could be your last. It was the balance that somewhat ruined the gameplay.

    Balance: 6/10
    It wasn't overall bad. Plenty of BR's and such lying around for good ammo, but too much power weapons threw off such a small map. Sword, sniper, maulers, shotty, flamethrower. All those power weapons dominated the map. We'd end up on tons of killing sprees fast. The equipment tries to counter these but are easily overpowered unfortunately.

    Durability: 9/10
    Virtually inescapable. Couldn't do it. No where to even try really. Bridges at top prevent any chance of nade jumping. Spawning was only a slight issue. Occasionally I found myself spawning quite close to enemies. I think a few more spawns placed could easily fix this though.

    Aesthetics: 9/10
    Completely interlocked always helps as the map was quite beautiful looking. The center platform is very nice looking and really adds a lot to the map. One feature we found quite amazing are small drop-down tunnels in the floor that go almost unnoticed from a distance. Yet they are very aesthetic and well made. They house invisibilities/overshields. They definitely add a fine touch to the map.

    Originality: 7/10
    Being a big arena, it isn't incredible original, however, the tunnel idea and center platform area add a lot to the map. Done, but not enough to say it's unoriginal. Overall, not bad.

    Overall score (Average of the above): 8/10
    Overall the map was amazing. The balance really brings down the map unfortunately. The weapons just need to be fixed up a little. I would suggest removing the sword. Easily the most overpowering weapon on the map. The sniper might not be needed. With BR's and carbines on the map, it isn't needed or used frequently. When it was, it wasn't very useful as a small fighting area plus tons of great cover = sniper fail. The maulers, maybe get rid of one. three is a lot of such a big weapon. Shotgun can stay, and we also liked the good spawn for the shotty, which makes it tougher and balances it out. Flamethrower+fire bombs= overkill. It's one or the other, preferably get rid of the flamethrower, too powerful. Fire bombs do basically as much damage yet less ammo. Balances better. I really enjoyed, as stated, the tunnels though. Something about them is just really amazing. Overall, a great map, we had loads of fun!! :]
  11. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    looksgood nice interlocking and nice layout. ill give it a dl.
  12. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Whoa, I'm flattered to a incomprehensible degree. I'll definitely take all the advice you suggested, and say only that the Sniper was placed for no-scope practice. My friend and I sort of create maps for purposes. This map was designed for FFA fun, but specifically for BR practice (hence the mass of BR lying around) and no-scope practice (hence the Sniper Rifle- no clips, small respawn).

    The other power weapons are there for kicks and giggles, and I'll more than take your thoughts into consideration. As a matter of fact, I've copy/pasted your entire post to my Forging friend via PM on Bnet. We'll work on all of that in the coming week.

    Spawns? I'm open for ANY/ALL help in that department. We're awfully weak there, but after reading FH's "Effective Spawn Placement" about 30 times (no exaggeration), I think we're improving.

    Anywho, thanks a TON for checking it out! I couldn't be happier. You could've said it was total crap and I'd be jumping out of my pants to see someone give me suggestions for improvement. Thanks, and I hope the rest of you guys have fun as well!
  13. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    the forging is great along with the interlocking,
    i like how you made it drop down for the invis
    5/5 on detail
    but i think the main structure on top could use a bit tweeking, it looks out of style there, i think you should merge it into the ground a bit and make something fancy
  14. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
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    I believe someone else had the same complaint. This will, I'll actually defend.

    The middle structure is the way it is for a purpose. It was shifted over (you'll notice a crack if you look closely in the picks) so that it could be easily reached from the corner (Power Drain spawn). Also, do you see how the Corner Walls are look something like

    < >
    < >

    Well, to one side, the "points" of each arrow are left open for grenade placement on those nasty campers in the middle ground-level. Hopefully that clears it up for ya. If you were suggesting something else, let me know and I'll be happy to consider it.

    SPAGETTII Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Great interlocking well done
  16. Fly

    Fly Ancient
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    I love the underground tunnel. Merged to perfection ;)
  17. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
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    Thanks, everyone!

    Like I've said, I'm working on the next map to put up. I've got two that are finished, and they're equally beautiful. My problem with both maps is spawns, so any advice would be greatly appreciated!

    I added a poll to this thread as well, please vote and give some advice. Thanks!
  18. squirrelxb

    squirrelxb Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Nice looking. I like the interlocking parts and the underground tunnel where I see the Active Camo. Weapons on weapon holders kinda unneccesary, but don't mind me, it's just an annoyance of mine. Besides that, I can easily give this map an 8/10 in my book.
  19. grungily potato

    grungily potato Ancient
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    if there is a flamethrower in it, it is not competitive.
  20. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    You bastard! You stole the name of one of my maps. Kidding, lulz.
    Looks pretty good, nice interlocking in some areas .

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