This is a bar scene for a gametype I have made. Pics describe all that is needed to know for what the map is. The game variant that is used for this map is what is truly important. It is called Irish Bar Fighting. Weapons pickup is turned off, and you can only earn points for melee kills. Energy shields are turned off, so it takes an advantage away from charging your pistol first. Plays best with two man teams, 6-12 players. Works well with any smaller sized map. Youtube video on The Winchester using Irish Bar Fight. Here is the link to the map. The Winchester Here is the link to the gametype. Irish Bar Fighting
I had some friends try to get out of the map and they couldn't, so good for you if you can. Also, if you think team swords is boring, then you are right. It will be boring to you. Don't think that I copied that game, its just that I found it to play simularly to swords.
u could have used a hammer resembling a chair u hav to hav a bar stool in a fight, looks fun but only for a big lobby
Hey genius good job at not even having this a little correct, a Winchester is a type of shotgun. Not a battle rife of any sorts. And don't even say that its just the name, cause it does matter. just get it right.
Ha thats a good idea, but I wanted to keep it for more of a universal gametype. But yes you are right about the second. the more people you have, the funner it makes it. btw im sorry lifeanddeath, I didnt know that you would care. The BR just looked better. Smile!
Looks interesting, but is the gameplay area escapable? You should try doing a map for this on foundry, titled Irish Brawl!
the video is great, and i think it was i good idea to put a BR on the wall instead of a shotgun. great job, and im def going to Dl once get my RRoD infected 360 back.
Well, I did enjoy playing Boxing throughout my Halo 2 career. I can't imagine that anything's changed since then. Nice arena, but it looks very empty later in the game.
I have never played Halo 2 online, so I have no clue of what that was like... sadly I was the one trying to play split screen at that time! The name and having a gun over the bar was inspired from Shawn of the Dead, and that is about it. Nothing for the layout of the map.
This seems like more of a mini-game map to me. Anyhow, the idea of a pure melee fight is enticing, but I think that your choice of map isn't fitting. You could do much more with your bar on foundry, minus the fact that it doesn't have camping chairs.
Im sorry, but I guess I need to retitle the thread. I wasnt fully intending on it being only about the map. It was more for the variant, and I made a small map for it...
nice job, this is the first map i have downloaded in a long timeand i chose to download yours, thats saying something.
are you actually irish not all people in ireland are crazy druken fighting morons only 25% of them LOL