Venis Beach Hello forge fans. This is a special Grifball map on a basket ball playground. I make some gameplays adjustments for this map so try it ! Watch the video [bungievid]21093809[/bungievid]
Sticky nades, in grifball???? Mind=blown I love the look of it, the stadium lights are my favorite part of the aesthetics. Back to the nades, how much do these change the game from regular grifball?
hey if you dont like Sticky just play with grifball mode. Its work to. The goal is to change univers guy !
First off, before I even GET to the map, the gametype is REALLY sick! The incorporation of a basketball-styled gametype where you need stickynades is quite the ingenious move on your part - where'd you think of it? This is a really cool spin off of Grifball, and I'm most definitely downloading it. The map also is really nice. It DOES remind me of a beach, and all of the aesthetics (the baskets, the court, the rocks... EVERYTHING!) really made the world for this map. Nice going, dude! DL, here I come!