I'm not much of a forger, to be quite honest, I just play custom games . But I had an idea and for once, <.<; I made it happen. Hope you have fun playing this game, and send me a message (preferably xbox live) if you think changes should be made! On a side note, congrats to Abolished Shadow on his fantastic game, can't wait to try it! V2 IS OUT, RE- DOWNLOAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This map is to be played by a lobby of at least 6 people, and teams of 2, any team you want. Now, as for the rules, the object of the game is simple. Get on your mongoose, (with your partner, hopefully) and drive into the arena before you die. Once inside, use your concussion rifle to launch your opponent out of the ring. Last team standing gets a 10 point boost, which should be enough to get you in the lead.(Yes, I know the scoring mechanics are bad.) Watch out for obstacles that may trip you up such as the corner mancannons and trip mines. Even the deceptive middle man-cannon can sometimes be disastrous, due to the kill ball hanging overhead. Once you die, you will respawn on a prison platform gifted with plasma grenades and spartan lasers, in addition to your concussion rifle. Use them to throw off the other teams still alive, or even launch them out. Attention! I will probably make lots of tiny fixes and improvements over time, so let me know if there is anything that could be changed or fixed, PLEASE! I love constructive criticism! P.S.: Please explain the rules to your lobby, too many people leave w/ out thier partners. suggestions?
Can't really download the map cause there's no screenshots or a gameplay video about it. I only download maps if there are screenshots and/or gameplay video. And to see if I'm interested with the map I was looking at.
Your post is not up to Forge Hub's standards. These standards include: At least one embedded picture or video that clearly demonstrates the map. At least a brief description. A download link that points directly to the file on bungie.net - NOT your fileshare. THIS THREAD WILL BE LOCKED WITHIN 24 HOURS IN THE ABSENCE OF A FIX. Do you need help embedding screenshots?
Well, I don't have any shots to post yet, and i probably won't. I guess this thread is going down... [br][/br]Edited by merge: YES! Fixed :3 sry for so many bad messages on the thread. I will try to make things like this work better in the future.
Seems familiar. http://www.forgehub.com/forum/reach-mini-game-maps/119787-dont-emp-me-bro.html Yet somehow different...
Granted, it is similar, but, this game has nothing to with EMP's. However, this late into reach's life, there should be very little that hasn't been thought up or made.
I'd doubt that. For instance, I have a lot of ideas I'm pretty sure of that were never used before. The better you think about maps, the more original they'll get. However, I'm not going to tell you, obviously. Just wait until I make threads about them But about the map: it might be fun but if you could get a video or some more screenshots it would help a lot to have some more information about the map and how it actually plays.