MLG Omen A small arena based map for MLG gametypes. Also perfect to play team doubles on. Cross Mirrored map with power weapon in middle of the map. Give it a try, hope you enjoy it.
First, of all, from the pictures I can see there is a lot of z-fighting an unnecessary overlapping. Many of the pieces are on different angles than each other. The bases look like they could be very spawn campable and spawn trappable. The middle would be underused seeing it is a grenade spammers dream, and the overall presentation doesn't look very aesthetically pleasing. You could use more creativity in your pieces and make the bases much more functional. I totally see where you were coming from with this idea, but I honestly don't think it worked out.
This. But also, seeing as this is your first post, Welcome to Forgehub! You'll get better at this if you spend more time here, but the map looks good for a rookie. Add more cover in the middle, and redo the bases though, and it could be a good map.
The circular structure's very unique, but I must say, there are several themes i just dont see that MLG requires... 1. A more inclosed fighting environment. (yes that could mean adding walls around it) 2. Less Bridgeways... definitilly. 3. More tactical jumps. 4. An more proper Name for the map. Omen sounds too predictable. Try looking in the dictionary for neat words. 5. and firm, sturdy looking structures. (im not saying aesthetics have to look off the charts ) If you feel like improving on the map, I'd love to see a v.2 P.s- Good looking map to start off here at ForgeHub. Welcome to the community. *And keep up the good work*
Welcome to Forgehub! I like the symetrical design but consider changing some things 1. Get rid of some of the block 4x4 because it looks sloppy when they overlap 2. Try to create your own bases, not just use room triples 3. Make the ramps less steep in the middle Overall great first map
Interesting. I like the map. Agreed, I would never use the center area myself, too easy to get aced, super fast. love the water coming through though! It might have been (the middle) better used if instead of elevated walkways making up the exterior ring, sink those as well, creating another "water feature" somehow ringing the exterior as well, with occasional bridges to the "raised" interior ring surrounding the center depression. ok, now that you're confused, I'll stop, but still, great start! Also, to take care of those z-axis issues, just bump every-other horizontal (or vert piece if they're the problem) ever-so-slightly in one direction or the other. you'll see one instead of both so you lose some of the symmetrical, but will gain a much better looking map visually.
you said that this map will play a maximum of 8. But that would lead to the potential of one or more spawning off map, since you only have 4 respawn points. And then their locations make spawn traps extremely easy, but I don't know if that is what you want or not. Why even have initial spawn points if you have the respawn points so close together?