Nearly 3 months ago, I posted here on forgerhub a THREAD detailing an awful tragedy I experienced. My Xbox live account for almost 5 years being stolen from me. I was told that this UAI would take 2 to 4 weeks to finish and that I would recieve an email informing me, but im still waiting! I found people with silmilar problems on below: One who managed to have his account back in a mere 8 days And another who is still pending! Im giving this investigation just 1 more day! I lost more than half friendlist, Im missing out on games such as GoW3, BF3, MW3, and Skyrim... games that i could be enjoying on xbox live with friends. Paying customers should not have to wait this long to enjoy a service. Im actually considering buying a ps3 and joining psn. I just want my account back! *ultra sadface*
I guess its an awareness thread because it can happen to anyone. There is people stealing accounts and using their points on FIFA and rift i believe. I wouldnt want anyone else to go through what im going through.
I think people are aware of account jacking. Again, I get your frustration, but threads are not for venting, no matter how legitimate the grievance. Shanon is right, please keep this kind of thing to blogs. :lock: