Ok this is me and my friends x BYOB72 x remake of our level KILLZONE 4. By many requests to make a MLG map we decided to expand and redesign KILLZONE and make it MLG friendly. In my defense I dont really know the weapon layout for MLG maps but my friend said he did: 4x BRs 2x Bubble shields (MLG ?) 1x gernade 1x mauler Why the lack of weapons you may ask cause idiot over here didn't use the budget glich so this map was made purley on the true budget. But it still works out great! Pictures top blue top red Back of bases drop down bottom of bases hallway back of bases bottom middle top middle . . . . If anything is wrong with our weapon layout let us know we even thought of taking out the bubble shields but thought it would be good to have equipment. But DL/comment and enjoy!! KILLZONE 4 V.2 Oh yeah I know my floors aint perfect so dont hassle me about it thanks, I think merge them together just takes to much time imnew to forge hub so don't mind my poll I didn't know what it ment or how to use it but now I know LTQM!
WOOOOO! thisis my kind of map.. this and mlg styles are my fave ill deff give you my dl. looksvery nice good layout as i can see and these style maps always play well from 2 to 8 people. 4/5 :-D good job on the interlocking and neatness too.
very nice. i like this design a lot. it's very unique. it looks like an excellent ctf map! the bases and lower sections all look perfect and flawless! great job!
Yeh thanks for the positive feedback guys. We got a lot of complaints/requests that Killzone 4 was a good map but too cramped, so we redesigned it to make it both MLG compatible and have a spacious flow for gameplay I hope you guys like it, and please if there are any problems with the map or anything you think we could redo or anything, let us know
hey, take out the bubble sheilds, add a power drain, and two carbines, oh yeah, and call it MLG Killzone, that way its easier to recognize
alright thanks guys I now know there are no bubble shields ill get with my friend and we will fix the problem
Yeh i was thinking of putting a power drain top middle but decided against it. and as for the comments on the wepons, yeh a carbine would probably be a better choice for the top since it is BR start, but i think a sniper would be a bit much ....
I'm glad I DLed, very fun, every party I make sure to play this with friends. Everyone seems to like it everytime ^_^
I liked the layout and feel of this map. I haven't played on it, but it seems like it would work very well in TS/S. The only thing i would suggest is.... Clean things up a little by merging/straighting some of the peices. Good job !!!!