For everyone that loves Marathon, Bungie's original Trilogy! Feel free to discuss anything Marathon related. All three games and engines - Available for Windows, Mac, Linux. There are many mods and alternate scenarios, available here! Marathon 2: Durandal is also available on the Xbox Live Arcade for 800 MSP under the name Marathon: Durandal. The original Marathon is also available for the iPad for free. There are some in-game purchases available that include: -HD mode (self explanatory) -Master Chief Mode The game can be started on any level with immediate access to all Weapons.The game can be saved at any point, rather than just at Terminals.The player has unlimited Ammunition and Health (invulnerability) as well as instant Shield recharge.More updates to this thread, when I have time.
Just so everyone knows, you can legally download all three marathon games for free. Aleph One - Marathon Open Source
I completely forgot about this, I'll be updating it with the games, alternate scenarios, and mods soon.
Rubicon is the best user-created one. It has gorgeous texture packs too and follows the original story line. Red and Evil are just rage-inducingly difficult. IMO.
I think one of my files doesn't work. I haven't been getting enemies in some of the alternate scenarios. I'll get a screeny up when I play again.
New Aleph One engine announced Marathon just got new kick in the pants. Apparently they've updated the Aleph One Engine for the Marathon games. I linked the news article. It was on Bungie's feed.
I saw that, does that have the Xbox graphics, I didn't like them, they seemed out of placed. I'll update the OP when I get back on my laptop.
I can imagine how some people can get motionsickness from this game. I'm not really experiencing it, but the game can be a bit jarring at times.
I'm going to come straight out and just say that Marathon is not that great. I think it's more of the fact that it's a precursor to Halo that people give it way too much credit. Good for its time, maybe.
Although Marathon had a story, not just blow **** up and win. I personally don't like doom, well the first two at least. I don't like the look of the new marathon graphics. Although I haven't done anything to M1 in terms of upgrades.