Insidity is a small 2-8 player slayer map.The main battle areas are the hallways,balconies and the stairs. Weapon list 4x DMR 4x Assault Rifle 1x shotgun 2x needlers 2x spikers 8x plasma grenade 8x frag grenade picture of blue base picture of red base picture of neutral base picture of blue hallway picture of red hallway P.S i am sorry you can't see any weapons in these pics it was because i took the screenshots with a swat gametype on.
The only part I don't like is the wall below the balconies. Instead of putting the 4v4s, try something else that won't overlap. Maybe brace larges. Also, this seems like it'd get really hectic with 8 people.
your right it does look like it would be pretty hectic but it really isnt as bad as you think and thanks for the idea.
not sure how I feel about this top mid section, a tree can only provide for so much cover and doesn't ad any complexity to the geometry of cover. Might want to rethink using the double windows too. Glass is at the top of the list when considering frame rate issues. Could you replace the 2x2 flat's with anything else? Sorry to say, but they're really blocky and boring. You could stick in some strut's and it'll maintain the same gameplay (you'll find them in the ground of hang em high remakes).
from what i have seen it looks well put together except for a few parts that were over lapping, maybe due to budget or lack of parts idk and idc. i do like the lone tree and how the map is built around it you don't see much of that. also it looked kinda spacy with low cover but not all maps are covered with protective walls so don't worry too much about that. keep it up.
Fisher, you obviously have not been around here long. I've seen way too many maps based around trees. At least lately forgers are starting to stay away from that. This map just blends in the crowd. It's grey, bland, and pretty basic. There isn't any groundbreaking layout or aesthetics that really makes this worth while. The tree just seems like an attempt to add a little color. Personally, I hate coliseum walls. Theyre grey, boring, and have no texture. Try to make custom walls especially on smaller maps. Try to use y-platforms or struts to add a little more flare. Things like that can make a map much more eye-catching.
Oh wow, very clean and aesthetically pleasing. I love the tree area. Could use some more pics of the map like a roof cut away overview. I would recommend placing something like some sideways large bridges, 2x2 steeps, or a brace large over the 5x5 flats where the lights are to make it look a bit cleaner.
tthumbnail thumbnail thumbnail thumbnail thumbnail thumbnail thumbnail. From the match we played before christmas i can say that spawns need tweaking and u can extend the exterior of the map. Also i avoided the center because it was a giant area to get raped in with no real reward for the risk. I think u had shotty in the middle. Maybe change it to rockets so its more of a reward. Also the needlers were placed kinda randomly. Maybe put em between the ramps to go up to the exterior instead of on the like 2x1. Kind of like i think it was foundation???? from halo 2.
This look pretty cool, I love when people incorporate trees into their maps! Keep up the good work. and I like small maps because it's not always easy to get a full party.
Why did you address the look of the map as if it were the most important part? If you are going to leave feedback (borderline bashing feedback), at least address the problems of the layout, rather than calling it "not groundbreaking". Beauty is in the eye of the beholder: What you call bland, some call clean.