there are some very wierd/random structures in this but they are interesting... the map looksvery good. interlocking is well done and it also looks pretty equiled out. nice post too btw. good job.
That is great, thanks, thanks again, and you spelled weird as "wierd" and "equilled" which should have been balanced. Thanks though.
Hey. I just started playing this map today and it was pretty fun. Of course, the only thing we did on this map was hide and seek. Which was pretty fun except there was a way to cheat of course. Anyways, can't wait to try out your new map.
Well as everyone has said...your map uh I mean it kicks butt! Looks firggin sweet will DL and I may steal your gas station idea for my map (first map) because I wasn't creative enough to make my own lol...if thats cool with you? keep on forgin!!!
Well, one of the things that protect the doors, like uhh.. You know the squares on the left and right side the walls spawn in 30 seconds. So, yeah. That was the only problem.
Ah crap. Just great, and you never think that it is going to be yourself making that kind of slipup, just don't tell anyone else about it, leave it unnoticed.
Im a big fan of all your work and this map was just icing on the cake. it was unbelievable for shotty snipes. Good Work