Ohai there. I'm hosting a LAN party for a friend's birthday this Saturday and was wondering what would be the best maps/games/etc. for Halo Reach (Or even Halo 3) to play. Recommend me anything. Just don't recommend Pinnacle. For the love of god don't recommend Pinnacle. Thanks
Well how many people are you thinking will be there? Because there are tons of maps for all types and numbers of people.
Most Featured Maps are good. If you want more, you can look through the old Forge Hub Favorites articles in the Announcements Forum. Keep in mind you will need an internet connection and xbox live to download the maps.
Space Lasers on Jupiter Jazz is officially the best LAN game ever (aside from maybe Omar the Spaceman). I mean, if you just tell everyone you're gonna play "Space Lasers on Jupiter Jazz", they're all gonna be like "lolwut?" Then they'll love you for putting it on cuz it's awesome. Other than that, featured maps are always good to look at. I'm not gonna be a douche and try to advertise all my own maps here.
I beg to differ. [thread=110861]Cawk Blawkin'[/thread] is probably the best LAN game I've ever played. Though SLJJ is also fun.
LOL. It was the first thing that came to mind so I just suggested it. Not trying to advertise if you were referring to me.
Spoiler Pinnacle. But really, any minigames you can find. Crash up derby, Ice cream man, maybe even (*shudders) Fat kid.