Please check this out and provide feedback, we went dark for a while here in the studio, but it was to finish up some scripts so that we could push out the first pilot episode of START. Below is the trailer for the new Machinima series to come out early this summer, please provide feedback, like or even subscribe to us! OPERATION S.T.A.R.T: Standalone trailer - YouTube
Is there a link to which I can subscribe? How did you get some of these shots? What studio? Are you gonna be using some CEA campaign and/or maps in it? This is the coolest looking machinima trailer ever. [br][/br]Edited by merge: I found it: RShavingRStudios's Channel - YouTube
Thank you very much for your kind words. You can subscribe on youtube. We will be using what we have at our disposal here, so please be prepared to hold onto your forehead while we blow your mind.
Yes, and No. The trailer was put together awhile ago, but was at the end of one of our announcement videos, where no one would watch because it took 5 minutes longer to see the trailer. So simply put, I took the other footage out and left the trailer, the layout of the video editor is pretty easy and simple.
Search Arbiter617 on Youtube. Now. This looks pretty cool, but one thing. Aren't strategic and tactical kind of the same thing?
Everything is so great except for the text. It looks cheap and cliche. Not sure what font you should use but I think you should change it.