Assassins overwatch is a map inspired by Assassins creed. The map was original created by silverorange. Watch the video below to see the map! Halo Reach- Assassins Overwatch‏ - YouTube The key features are the towers, were as in the assassins creed games you would be able to get a large view of the map. Then leap of faith into the hay barrels. While there is no hay on the map, you can jump down into the 1 way shield spots and land safely* I have edited small parts of the map and large areas of the map. Improved "some" of the buildings and fixed kill barriers To have a fun game, you will need a large party. 6-8- 12 players. MUST BE A SPARTAN, ELITES HAVE NO LOADOUTS ! CAPS pl0x makes wonderful point, don’t you agree Loadouts Assassin Energy sword Plasma pistol Sprint Dark assassin Energy sword Plasma pistol Evade Other Notes! You must use the gametype provided. The map may be compatible with other game-types. I didn't bother to check. Fall Damage is buggy. Sometimes you will take alot of damage, sometimes none at all. Song is- Lisa Miskovsky - Still Alive
Yea, I saw this on a forging vid, I'm glad that you edited it. If you had a CGI suit and a grapihics editer, you could make an amazing trailer, make it like mirros edge. You got my DL
Nice music from Mirror's Edge still alive, love that game to death and nice video walkthrough your map. It kinda does a feel from Assassin's Creed but do you think it's possible you can convert your map into a infection gametype? Cause I think my opinion that your map would look cool with infection =)
The map looks amazing grif, same with the video. I have played assassins creed 2 and this kind of reminds me of it. I do think that it might go better with infection. Give that a try and see how it works. Again, nice map grif.