Winterfell V2.1 Pictures: Spoiler Blue Base Overview: Red Base Shot (Hard to get a decent one): Inside the main building (also hard to get a decent shot of): Magnum is OP! Winterfell is now fully playable for Team Slayer and CTF gamemodes so give it a download and pass on some feedback! Weapon List: Spoiler 1 Concussion Rifle 1 Sniper 1 Focus Rifle 1 Splaser 1 Wraith 2 Chain Hogs 2 Ghosts 2 Mongeese 2 Needlers 2 Plasma Pistols Some grenades of both types Some Healthpacks And a partridge in a pair tree For those who haven't seen winterfell before, it was designed to be a castle themed map that supports both infantry and vehicle fighting in equal balance for maximum tactical variance. The map's layout is a main central building surrounded by a vehicle road which in turn is surrounded by a infanrty controled rampart. The map features both natural and forged areas for easy navigation around this asymetric map. The download link is above for any who want a go on this unfinished map, I only ask that you give me a line or two of your thoughts in this thread.
Wow, that building looks sick and I love the roads. Is it kind of half natural terrein and half forged?
Damn, I've been thinking of using this area on a map, but it would have turned out horrible compared to this. One suggestion though. The rocks need to look more natural with the ground. Maybe a different place for the rocks?
Like I said, definitely make the wraith slayer only and maybe cut back/ team orient a few more power weapons. Also, the inside of the main building feels a little thrown together, especially with the entrance on the left from offense spawn. I feel like it is more designed from an aesthetic point of view than gameplay, though it doesn't end up working so bad. Still, I feel it might be better. Driving the hog can get odd when coming up to the rocks on wraith side, as you need to do a 90+ degree turn left, uphill. I've enjoyed the few tests I've had on here, but they haven't been the best. I think making these few changes and moving the flag spawn will help though.
@FLying Shoe ILR Would you suggest giving one of each power weapon to each side or giving one side one power weapon and the other another? (i.e. concussion rifle for red, Focus rifle for blue). The inside of the building is something I'm not quite happy with but I'd like to keep the exterior the same although a height increase may be needed if I add another level. Others have also commented on the flag position so I will be moving it. @ELite Warrior The rocks do look better from ground level but that's not to say I won't alter them slightly. @Elliot I would say it's 60:40 forged to natural. Thanks for the complement on the aesthetics as it's something I really worked on in this version