I believe that Frenchy's and I will be keeping the name, but if we ever do change it I will keep your suggestions in mind. If the name bothers you too much you can always call it by its nickname, Flo. The frame-rate is at the moment being dealt with, and I believe fixed. I will definitely be adding railings at tac jump after seeing the amount of times people kept falling. Thanks for the feedback guys I appreciate it! You are the only person that has so far noticed the resemblance. The map is loosely (and I mean LOOSELY) inspired by orbital, and yes you will be seeing the map this TGN. Thanks for pointing that out. I am not sure why the pics are not working for you as they show up for me. Is anyone else having problems with any of the pics? If so please let me know, and I will try my best to fix the issue. Also if anyone is interested in testing feel free to leave your GT and I will make sure to invite you the next time I am testing.
The thing about a map name is, when it's mentioned, it should invoke images of the map in a person's head. There's probably a good bulk of people who can't pronounce this word, and another good bulk of people who don't even know what the correct pronunciation sounds like. So in all honesty and sincerity, please change the name. It's terrible, it really is.
Well i came out with that name suggestion .... and i we will keep it for the only reason that stupid name like Replicant, Acacia, Cadence, Voodoo, Hellium, Haze, Premise, Cladite, Gully are not original. And When I read map name that's what it came out of my head : Replicant : A stupid Robot from 1986 that can do your bed and brush your teeth. Acacia :A big giant tree. But must of time your map is made of blocks ! So why are you calling your map Acacia ? Cadence : A Music term .... Why name a map Cadence ? Voodoo : A guy who is killing chicken to give it to GOD ! Hellium : Its simple ....... a Balloon Haze : Smoke ? Maybe you were smoking some WEED during your forge ? Premise : A premise is a statement that an argument claims will induce or justify a conclusion . Why call a map Premise ? Cladite : Another word that means Tree ! Wow ! Wow ! and Wow ! Gully : Its a TV Show ! Or if you change the G for B it make Bully ! And Bully its a video game that you're a Teenager and you're kicking some ass . So i dont think name will "invoke images of the map in a person's head".