So here we go again with a slowing down process. Seems like forge hub needs a big team battle map for sure. All I see now is just a 2v2 map there, 1v1 map here, another 2v2 over there. It's just really getting old. I wanted to see a big change and bring in back the style of big teams again but in a larger way. When I mean large, oh boy I mean large. So originally, I was planning to use the cliff sides of the coast as well but the amount of expansion would be ridiculous so I kept it a little tighter with the use of the island and the coast but kept the cliffsides out of the story to help keep combat concentrated rather than really distant. Cardinal means important or a key point which I consider this map pretty useful with a nice switch upon base camping to more of a spreaded nature to keep players out and about. I setted up vehicles around the river zone and also at the coastal points to also help players move around and not get stuck at certain points. As you will find out, yes there are a good number of vehicles in fact here's my list. Anything you do not like about it, consider it gone and replaced for a better balance. Vehicle List 4 Regular Warthogs 1 Gauss Warthog 3 Falcons 2 Ghosts 8 mongeese 2 Scorpions So now all I ask is to look and gimme some thoughts. As always, I am very open to criticism and suggestions.
wow wow wow ok instant problem unless i'm drunk then i'm seeing a gausshog true competitive maps can't realy have gausshogs in them because they shoot through walls i'dd sugest removing the gausshog and replacing it with a rockethog apart from that the map looks great the bases are clean and have enough cover but not too much cover hope the map turns out alright looking forwerd to playing on this in the near future
I hope you have ALOT of power weapon on this map due of the number of vehicules ! Anyway map looks great ! I like your structures , it reminds me alot of Halo 3 BTB map.
@spy penguin Ok, gotcha for the Gauss. I may replace it with a rocket hog or maybe a wraith or reverent. Idk, I will need to test it out. Thanks for the thoughts @Frenchy Yeah, I will set up a rocket launcher, a plasma launcher, and a spartan laser. The bases will both have a grenade launcher and a sniper rifle as well. Hopefully that will help fill it out between vehicle players and infantry players. Thanks for the comment.
Lots of power weapons and vehicles... Gameplay will be hectic, but it could be very fun at the same time. I'd be interested in seeing how it turns out, my main concern is the Gauss hog, those have ridiculous accuracy and damage, and can easily overpower nearly everything else on the map.
@ZipZapZop Hope it is hectic and yeah I realized that problem last night and plan on removing it with maybe the rocket hog or reverent. Once that is fixed up nice and quickly I hope to see how it goes. Thanks for commenting