The Pier

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by Toiletlord, Nov 24, 2011.

  1. Toiletlord

    Toiletlord Forerunner

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    The Pier
    The water won't save you...

    Welcome to The Pier, my idea when I started making this map was to have a small house that came off a pier that reminded me of a little hut off the starting island in the first Jak & Daxter game. Nerding aside, this outcome is nothing like the intention... and I'm definitely glad with the outcome that I've had.​

    Admittedly the map hasn't had severe testing, only five games before the fixes were put in places of the spawn traps we found and camping spots and such. But pretty much all bugs have been fixed. The map supports all variants of Infection, However it was designed with Alpha Zombies in mind. ​

    After designing the house I realized that it just didn't have the same feel as the rest of the map, so then I implemented the addition of the back door from the other side of the pier, and the roof opening, within the first few games this appeared to be of use especially to fit in with the map.

    Anyway without further ado, here is some screen shots of my shitty map :)

    The main water feature, and the pier house.
    The front of the pier house, showing one of the many health pack spawns.
    Some more of the map, showing the opposite side of the pier house :D.
    opposite side, showing the back left and the back right stairs :D.
    The pier house roof opening :)
    the two grav lifts that lead to the back part of the map. Of course this probably isn't the back part of the map, but I suck at this so It's now the back.
    another one of my many drastic health pack placements :).
    the under vents next to the back passage of the map, anyway I'll give you one more screenshot of it, but other than that please download and give as much feedback as possible, much appreciated :)

    [​IMG] yeh, done :) thanks guys :)
  2. Elite Warrior5

    Elite Warrior5 Forerunner
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    Your welcome.

    It seems too open. I would add more cover.
  3. Toiletlord

    Toiletlord Forerunner

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    Haha :') I think the cover was sufficient when we played but I must admit i think over by the pier the zombies had a few rough times, especially on the round with 1 zombie to start :') thanks dude, I'll look into it.
  4. bullet2thehead9

    bullet2thehead9 Promethean
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    By the way on the second picture(the one with the pier house) beside the door there is a hole in the wall and i have to agree with Elite Warrior5 it does look to open but i will definitely give it a dl
  5. Toiletlord

    Toiletlord Forerunner

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    Oh my days :0 X'D how on earth did I miss that :') I'm very stupid when it comes to stuff like that, thanks much dude :)

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