So while playing with some GAFfers/HBOers earlier today we found out that the GRD can actually move around the flag, even if it's still sitting on its stand. I went into a custom game and after some pushing around I managed to drop the flag off the ledge into the abyss below Damnation. It didn't reset and it just stayed there, out of everyone's reach. Here's a clip I made: : Halo Reach : File Details It's not very practical, but it's certainly quite something.
Definitely not practical, but if you managed to push the flag off in a game that would really mess with the other team. I'm not sure why the flag would despawn if thrown off but not if pushed off. I'm really curious how you came across this since people don't just think "I wonder if the GRD doll can push flags around."
I imagine if you pushed it from where it spawns and no one picks it up then the game may not recognize that it has moved. Doing this to the other teams flag however is just a bit beyond retarded.
We were playing 1-flag on Damnation and all but one player on the other team quit out and we got bored. We decided to screw around with the doll and it bumped into the flag by accident. I think the reason why the flag doesn't reset is because it's essentially in the 'at-home' state as if it were still standing on its stand while if you were to pick up up and throw it down it would be in it's 'away' state and would reset.
Not big, but from what I've heard you can also block the teleporters on Battle Canyon with the doll. Seeing as it spawns right next to the teleporter I can see that being abused quite a bit.