Cryo-Temple Made by: Federaltag This map was probably my most difficult map to make, hopefully it's my best. This map only took me about 19 hours. Please leave feedback and tell me how you like it. This map has not been tested yet so tell me how it feels. STORY This used to be sacred grounds on which a temple in the lords honor was built. Everything changed though when a group of evil scientist need a remote area to build a cryogenic cloning facility. They came in and built there factory right on the temple grounds. Only a fraction of the holy grounds remain and the spirits have gone mad. Description of Map The is a main facility with two floors, the freezing chambers, and the parking lot. This map isn't as big as big as I would had liked it to be but unfortunately The map ran out of memory. I tried to get the temple to have a distinct look from the facility. Aesthetics wise I tried but coudn't improve them that much. Hope you enjoy. Pics: Tried to get them as clear as possible This is the front view of the Temple This is the front view of the science factory Side view of alternate route into temple This is right after alternate route A little action Left view into the facility A little fun Top of stairs Bottom of Stairs Freezing chamber First floor Top floor balcony with sniping post If I need more pics please let me know Download HERE
that looks amazingly neat well done 5/5 **EDIT** After playing it with my friends i personally think this is one the best ive played on forge hub excellent.
i haven't been to my xbox to actually play it yet, but i'd like to say that this looks VERY well constructed. aesthetics: definitely 5/5. it also does look like it would play well. i'll try it out
Outstanding job! Very well thuoght out and elaborate. you have my DL...hope it plays as well as it looks! keep on forgin
Sick job on the stairs, they look really good I was wondering if those were rockets next to the sniper? If so, wouldn't that spot be a bit overpowered?
This map looks interesting, not great but interesting. I like the "staircase" of sorts that you have in your pictures. Everything seems to work with each other. 3/5
Looks sweet, but please, play-test your maps first. Feel free to send me a friend request to help play test it, my gamertag is HumBoys
Notin I used an FMGC map and I decided to use all the items on the map Oh and the rocket and sniping isn't overpowered because you can't shoot a rocket through a fence but if you get a good angle you can shoot the person with the rocket through the fence while on the ground. Sniper at each side
i gotta say, this map looks absolutely incredible! perfectly constructed, amazing design, the gameplay looks awesome too. all in all, i'd have to say this is one of the best maps i have seen in a while! also, good job on posting tons of pictures. they are very descriptive and show the map off well excellent job!
Since you haven't tested out gameplay yet, I'll go and play a round with whoever later today. I'll still download it. Great for looks, though.
Im sorry you feel that way and sorry for bumpin but this map took my a long time and I made it almost as neat as I could get, plus my original designs (drawn) were to elaborate so i had to downgrade it a bit.
I am aware that there is a way out of the map but I can not do anything about since there is a limit of how many items can be on a map and I am fairly satisfied with this version. Only an idiot will try to get out because there is no way back in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!