The Ruins"The Ruins is a simple slayer map composed of two bases and two side mini-bases. It has teleporters (two way node) linked to the underpart of each main base. This map is one of my best/favorite maps I have made. It is a great map for serious games, clan battles, or for fun. There are many power weapons making it easy for everyone to get a part in helping their team win. if you jump in the water you will DIE there is no under part of the map. CHECK OUT THE IMPORTANT INFORMATION SECTION! Overview Main Weapons DMR Sniper Rifle Shotgun Energy Sword Needler Needle Rifle Plasma Pistol Concussion Rifle Sticky grenades Frag grenades Important Information *initial spawns are straight across from each other... be careful when starting out with swat *Sniper spawns on top of each base *teleporters can be a useful tool but camping behind it may be a problem *teleporters are also a useful tool for objective games such as assault and capture the flag *man-cannons lead up to top of base *not specifically meant for rumble pit but it is compatible *you are not able to get on top of the middle section of map Thanks for any suggestions! Here are some pics
Looks good, but one helpful tip, the railing stairs need to be moved down 1 coordinate so it is not bumpy.
i agree. Great map. But you should be able to walk the stairs without jumping. I really like the teleporter placement
The map looks cleanly forged. I like the placement of the sword, but given the size and openness of the map, wouldn't rockets be a better choice for a center power weapon? Are you sure having the ability to teleport from one base to the other is a good idea? I can't think of any bungie maps that have this design. It may make reaching the enemy flag far too easy. And it seems that for green and orange teams (and FFA if you intended to support a small party), the spawning is limited to the center 10% of the map, which translates to "spawn kill heaven".
Just so you know, I voted for this in FHF. It may not be the greatest map ever made, and people are gonna be whorin' on Azula, but this map does show a lot of potential. You're fairly new to the site, and you already have a nomination. That's great. The more you're here, though, the more you'll learn. You've got talent, and you'll get better. I'm expecting great things.
*cough* Beaver Creek *cough cough* This map looks good for a new member. The aesthetics have a great balance and its symmetry does not appear faltered. good work.
I assume that is in reference to my comment of teleporters taking you from one base to the other, but I am not familiar with maps before Halo3. and ya if this is one of his first forge works ever, then it shows a great deal of talent on his part.