
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by MisguidedDrake4, Nov 19, 2011.

  1. MisguidedDrake4

    MisguidedDrake4 Forerunner

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    Hi. This is my second map on Forgehub, and the first map designed around the 1v1 gametype. The map started out as an assymetrical TS map, but I found that with some changes it would make a nice 1v1 map. Due to its proximity on Forge World to the waterfall, I named the map Vista. When I changed it to an enclosed 1v1 map, I changed the name to Legacy because I thought that it provided many of the elements that make classic Halo maps great, without anything extra of the unnecesary. Anyways, on to the description.

    The playspace is a medium-sized atrium with two dominating bridges perpendicular to one another. The floor sinks a little in the middle, so that the edges are raised just enough to give a person there an advantage over one in the center. The bridges slope upwards, with each one ending up on a longer platform with a needle rifle. Directly below each needle rifle platform is a plasma grenade. There are small pillars on the outlying areas of the map to provide cover and sheltered spawning. There are also some transparent convenant shields to provide cover along the map. In early playtesting, I found that controlling the center was pointless since it merely made you more exposed to DMR fire from the newly spawned enemy. Hence, an overshield lies at the vertex of the catwalks on a 120 second respawn. It does not spawn at the start. Health kits are on pillars near the edges of the map. Plasma repeaters are on the other side of the the pillars as the health packs. Before asking what a plasma repeater is doing on a competetive 1v1 map, consider that some of us have real-life friends who are not very good at Halo. To improve my skills with a weapon that I don't normally use, as well as to balance things and make it fun for my guests too, plasma repeaters are on this map.

    Weapons on map:

    Needle Rifle x2
    Plasma Grenade x2
    Plasma Repeater x2
    Overshield x1 (120 sec spawn, no spawn at start)

    TEMPORARY: no pics at the moment :(

    Youtube video of map: Halo Reach Forge Maps- Legacy (Small 1v1 map) - YouTube

    The spawning on the map works quite well, as enemies don't often spawn vulnerable, but you're not always being shot not knowing where from. Also, as I mentioned earlier, due to the map being in close proximity to the waterfall, there is a nice ambient noise from the waterfall that adds a nice touch to the map.

    Please download and have fun!

    I appreciate any feedback you could give me.
    #1 MisguidedDrake4, Nov 19, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2011
  2. Shik

    Shik Forerunner

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    Haha, I love maps like these. Small and deadly, The layout is really basic but that's fine. Looks like a fun download to happen.
  3. MisguidedDrake4

    MisguidedDrake4 Forerunner

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    @Shikarix Thank you. Yes it's basic but I wanted to make something that strips away all of the extra components of a good map and forge only what is needed to make a fun map that plays well. Play it a few times and tell me what you think.
  4. RoboArtist

    RoboArtist Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Hahha very good!
    Its like a mini version of my map chamber
  5. PractiseCactus

    PractiseCactus Forerunner

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    Yeah, this map looks nice. I always love CQB maps, and this one is no exception. I think you've inspired me to start making smaller maps...anyway, I'll download it and give it a runthrough.
  6. MisguidedDrake4

    MisguidedDrake4 Forerunner

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    It's a bit more of a DMR centered map, as I was designing it around DMR loadouts for competetive 1v1, but yes there is occasional meleeing on this map due to close encounters by the columns on the edges and the center. Thanks for the download, and I'm glad to have inspired :D
  7. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    looks nice, but this needs more secondary paths, like behind the walls, other ways to get around, you know? perhaps more cover as well. I havent played on this so I cant give more feedback unfortunately.

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