Inflamable Being this is a simple symmetrical map, i tried to make sure the bridge in the center isn't the most dominating spot and for it to be less vertical then some of my previous maps while having good flow and gameplay while not having really any dominating positions on the map that could easily cause a few problems and i think i have pulled this off successfully. there is only 1 or if you want, 2 power weapons on this map and they are both neutral, there is a rocket launcher bottem center of the map with a grenade launcher on the top bridge under the smaller curved bridge. Inflamable Being - walkthrough gallary - if i do anymore changes i'll add screenshots to this. Enjoy!
Was this posted by you on Waypoint? If so, it's awfully hypocritical that you forge a map that has the same formula as 90% of MLG maps. "oh? then how come MLG aren't payed to design good maps for other games since they know what they are doing...? honestly, MLG don't have that many good forgers, the spawns are terrible because they a deliberately set up in a way that makes it easy for players to spawn trap and kill the other team the killzones don't work to well either since the maps are easily breakable and you can see this while look at the killzones in forge, i myself am always finding stops on other peoples maps in-progress that would be easy to escape and they never spot them when they aren't hard to find. the map designs themselves are just to open with little cover, there isn't really any flow to them and provide to few options for players to use, all they really are is just rush the certain areas and stay in that general area but this seems to be what the MLG community likes."
First off you misspelled Inflammable. Its never a good thing to misspell you map name. lol And I think you should just delete the bridge altogether. It would fit better.
I played on this map a couple weekends ago and had a blast. I would have to say the bridge is good along with the rest of the map being well forged.
You're ripping on MLG maps in general, and you put little review into this map in general. Why don't you actually DL it before you so incesantly troll it. The map itself looks really good, but unfortunately with so many MLG maps floating around, this honestly brings nothing really new to the table.
Folks, you need to look closely at what xzamples is saying. The parts bashing MLG maps were surrounded in quotes. He was making a reference to something Haunted Army (OP) had said on a completely separate forum regarding MLG maps, and how it was ironic that OPs map mimicked the very design style he had originally mocked. You should always look more closely at what someone is saying to confirm your suspicions of foul play, rather than immediately jumping on some misinformed hate-bandwagon.
Lol. No you. Rest in Pieces, or remember isao has a lot of posts in that thread too. He's just kidding around. I think he's even got the same pofile picture.
i appreciate the replies but can they be more geared towards the map and not me being an asshole on other sites.. also, try not to let your views of me cloud your opinion.
@harris sales: Don't worry man I was kidding. I too found the previous mlg map bashing to be funny. I appreciate the notification though, I wouldn't have made a comeback to this thread. @haunted army: I'm just curious as to how your map fulfills the intentions of an MLG map better than maps from MLG forgers. You win a point for the use of killzones, but the flow and the spawning?? Anyways. I'm not sure if you want feedback from me, but I suppose I'll give some concise points. -Every ramp on the map and every turn and corner on the map is 90 degrees. Overall, this makes the flow insanely less fluid. The fact that you can jump saves you completely, but without jumping, moving around the map becomes insanely difficult. Let's not resort to that. Also, having 90 degree convex corners make the map box-shaped (Aka Foundry forging) and makes the map feel too big. As for sharp concave corners, it forces people to make a sharp turn instead of a quick and smooth turn; plus, it forces an encounter when a player turns right around the corner, which he will usually be unaware. *Also look at that last screenshot. Once you make it to the top of the ramp, you see a wall and then an opening to fall down on. The way you want to go is on the right, and the best way to make that flow right is to jump towards the right up there. The ramps need flow ahead and behind them. -Way too much cover. I realize you don't like small amounts of cover, but that is one thing that promotes good flow. With how much cover you have, it is way too easy to move around the map or to just camp the entire time. Also, I noticed that the cover ruins important lines of sight, which means that encounters will mostly be close quartered. That is not good on a map like this. It slows the pace of the game completely. I can't stress this enough about brace larges, but it truly annoys me when people use it as "thin" cover. Thankfully the way you use it makes the cover feel 3-dimensional, but sometimes people use a random wall in the middle of the map that only protects you from one angle. Just a tip: Make small cover and big cover thick enough to protect a spartan from the side. -That bridge in the middle: There is no reason to include that random arch (wall,curved) there. Rather than that, I would raise the bridge high enough that it blocks the line of sight from end to end. As for the cover, flip those brace larges and line them up with the 4x4 talls being the floor. That way there would be cover until you reach the top of the bridge. -The map is too segmented. I said this before, but the large amount of cover only encourages close range battles and slows the game down completely with how big the map is. I would trim down on cover and simplify the design some. -Jump ups: The saving grace is how segmented the map is, meaning you have time to execute them. But the jumps with the upside down plat,larges are difficult. It was an innovative idea, but they are typically unreliable. K well I'm out of time. Honestly, I would tone down the hate on mlg maps, because this map puts some ideas of mlg maps into practice, and the map will improve if you step closer to mlg map design. And one thing I do want to point out. We don't make "MLG" maps, we make maps that support competitive gameplay. When games are competitive, they don't allow people to be "Cheap." The maps we make are all about testing players' knowledge and skill, not about people being able to camp in one spot. I would not stray away from that concept when forging on this. "MLG" doesn't deserve to be a label. In fact, our maps can be turned into casual maps too. As for yours, I would simplify your map and allow for some good long LOS (just not too many). To keep it casual, use whatever weapons you want that don't ruin the map.
@Remember Isao thanks for the comments, i'm going to have to go over what you typed a few times to fully understand what you are saying but the point about the smaller bridge, that is only there because of objective gametypes. well, in a later post then what xamplez quoted i did say something along the lines of this, the comments made where more geared towards the maps that allways have "MLG" in the name and the creators are ignorant fanboys.