
Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by thefightdude, Nov 14, 2011.

  1. thefightdude

    thefightdude Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    No longer on File Share if you want the map message me on FH or XBL.

    Map Overview

    Strataflag is a very fun strategy custom game. It is a two sided map, mirroring the other side. It is all about using your vehicles, weapons, and armor abilities wisely. The map is separated by coliseum walls and shield doors. Each team has 4x4 platforms that give each team leverage on their side, guarded by two machine gun turrets. Each team has a 'weapon room' and a 'lookout room' and vehicles are kept under the 4x4 platforms. Later on in the game a heavy man-cannon will spawn 30 seconds into the game. Then 2 minutes into the game a two-way teleporter spawns in the bunker under base (same level as vehicles) allowing easy access from base to base. Feel free to comment on Stratflag and ENJOY!

    Each base contains the following:

    2x warthog default
    1x warthog gauss
    1x scorpion
    2x mongoose
    1x ghost
    1x revenant

    2x DMR
    1x assault rifle
    2x magnum
    1x grenade launcher
    1x rocket launcher
    1x shotgun
    1x sniper rifle
    1x spartan laser
    2x frag grenade
    2x machine gun turret
    2x health station

    1x of each armor ability

    Gametype Overview

    Strataflag is, as you can guess, meant for capture the flag. The load out (available for spartans and elites) comes with sprint, 1x frag, assault rifle, and magnum. Each game is five minute three round game. The flag carrier does not lose nor gain and abilities from the original base player traits. So throughout the entile game everything is 100% of normal movement, speed, and gravity. There is a 30 second sudden death. Your flag does not have to be at home to score. If you have any questions feel free to post them.



    Picture of overview​


    Main base area where flag is kept​


    Weapon room​


    Lookout room and revenant spawn​


    Lookout of base​


    Middle of map, 5x1 platforms allow for man-cannon exit and a health station is located on the column below​


    Under side view of map and vehicle spawns​
    #1 thefightdude, Nov 14, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2011
  2. Elite Warrior5

    Elite Warrior5 Forerunner
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    First off, I would delete the warthog gauss. It is way too overpowered in CTF. Second, weapon rooms are never good. Why would you want to put all those guns on one area.
  3. thefightdude

    thefightdude Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    It isn't supposed to be a competitive map that has the right layout of weapons placed specially. It was made to have fun and it serves its purpose. I have play tested it many times and everyone enjoys it. You should play it with 8 guys its tons of fun.
  4. Warriorii

    Warriorii Forerunner

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    I just don't see what makes this map a "strategy custom game." It just seems like you just plopped down vehicles and weapons (like EliteWarrior said, gauss hogs are just too overpowered) and named the game "Strataflag." I don't mean to insult the amount of effort you put into this map but I just don't see how gameplay could even work, as camping is a serious problem with all the power weapons in a weapons room and all the vehicles. I could just spam scorpion shells at the shield door if I wanted to. I don't see how you could even survive in the enemy base for even 10 seconds, let alone capture a flag.
  5. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    Did you know gauss hogs shoot through walls? Since it was not mentioned in the description I'm going to assume you didn't proof the map for gauss hogs in which case this guide will be of some use.

    There's generally nothing fun, let alone strategic, about rushing to a choke point filled with continuous explosions, especially not with gauss hogs shooting through your walls.
    #5 pyro, Nov 17, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2011

    HI IM CAPS LOCK Forerunner

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    One huge problem with this map is that there is only one entrance to the other side, every area needs at LEAST 2 entrances, preferably more. Seems like it would just be everyone dying all the time in the one major choke-point.
  7. thefightdude

    thefightdude Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    That is why i added teleporters and man-cannons. Its a map made for that "I'm bored what do I play" moment (if that make sense). Play it with your friends and you'll find it to be fun.

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