Hello Thread Viewer! Stopex, just making his first attempt at a working, fair, asymmetrical map. I had an idea of something of this design and I worked around the "Paradiso Island" and it seemed to come out pretty good...ish. It took me roughly 6-8 hours total to finish this map, but im entirely sure that its done and fine. Red team has a height advantage off spawn, as blue team gets to a power weapon first. Red and Blue team both get to two other power weapons at the same time. (To say now, this map does NOT support jetpacks.) PICTURE TIME!!!?!?! -Stopex
It might just be you, there are four pictures total in the thread. I apologize if this problem disables you from giving a review of the map.
in terms of the map dependent on the spaces and ranges that the map has and the type of power weapon we're talking about this map could be unbalanced. I shouldn't matter too much that there's a height advantage to red off spawn as long as the height is the same in areas where there are most likely to be engagements. Take the time to see how to adjust the weapon fairly otherwise the height advantage of red team will have them cursing and swearing.
Blue team gets to a grenade launcher with three shots first. something that has range, but also needs skill to use. If a member of blue team gets the grenade launcher, a member of the red team can see where the "grenade launcher user" goes. (there are three ways into the grenade launcher hall, and there are two ways out.) 4v4 gameplay hasn't been tested. 2v2 & 1v1 gameplay has been tested though, it seems fair. The only problem I had w/ my test was that my team was too good for the other team. (Unfair skill advantage.) 1 member on the opposite team knew where power weapons were, and 1 member on my team (me) knew where power weapons were. -please check out the maps structure before you criticize.
Yeah, the problem must be with my computer, cause I was able to view them earlier today on a different computer... Anyway, I had a chance to DL your map and give it a quick play through...first off I really like the design of the map and the aesthetics. In addition I really like level variations that you have going on; however, my one overall complaint would be that the top floor is much too flat! This can easily be fixed simply by raising and lowering a few of the walkways and adding ramps...I think from a gameplay standpoint simply adding minor height variation goes a long way! It forces players to adapt rather than simply keep their cross-hair fixed at the same height. Other than that, I think this map has a lot going for it! If you release an updated version be sure to let me know!
Just from the screenshots, it looks really cleanly forged. I always like an asymmetrical map, especially if they're balanced (just cause it's so damn hard to do it right). Make sure to PM me so I can give a proper review after I've dl'd and played through.
The map seems clean, but if you got into detail, there are "dirty spots." areas that look ugly or unappealing. If you could though, please post your review here to give others a rough estimate on how the map is. (in your opinion of course.)