Okay, since I'm such a great guy, I've decided to lend my services to Forge Hub with getting your H3 videos from your file share to YouTube, using my MP3 player. Click Here for Tutorial --> (GUIDE) Using a MP3 player to record video on your Xbox - ForgeHub Halo Forums Since I'm sure there will be a huge influx of members wanting to have their videos converted, I've decided to have a one-video-per-person limit (for now) because unlike what you may think, I do have a life. This is open only to active members on the community, so you must have 100+ posts to submit. If you don't I will Ignore your submission. Butchypoo has volunteered his services as well, so you can now submit clips from the Legendary map pack to him, if you need. Another thing, I'm not going to editing and create a film master piece for your map, however, I will take any single film clip. Thus, if you want to show off your map, take a film clip of you flying through your map, or some fighting going on, but don't expect me to edit it. WHEN POSTING YOUR FILM CLIP, PLEASE USE THIS FORMAT TO MAKE IT EASIER FOR ME Gamertag: Link to File Share: File Share Slot #: Youtube or .Avi: (please let me know whether you would like the file as a .avi or on Youtube) Okay to Use in Possible "Multitage": If I use your clip in a possible future "multitage" credit will be given, both in video and in description. If all works out, it will be awesome. Please keep film clips to under 2 minutes. Please give me time, don't expect me to have your video done right away. Please, don't post anything stupid. Your video will be posted on MY Youtube account but YOUR NAME will be in the title. WE WILL NOT STEAL your video. Here I will compile a list of those needed to be converted, and the links to the clips I've already converted (Check back here later to see if your clip is done!): http://youtube.com/watch?v=OZOkveZvu1E http://youtube.com/watch?v=G8jk0A_SO-Mhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7WXmN0es9Y0http://youtube.com/watch?v=M5MmSsQsZ14http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i9WIvSMRZ7Uhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q-Z_qvmQ2_8http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DYcUIzEEDpAhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y_g_MlIhTVMhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXknuWzqJ7Q
Gamertag: Blakem0n92 File Share Slot #3 or : http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=31186623 Youtube
Gamertag:IxGUNxSLINGERxI Link to File Share: http://www.bungie.net/stats/Halo3/FileShare.aspx?gamertag=IxGUNxSLINGERxI File Share Slot #: 7 Youtube or .Avi: youtube Okay to Use in Possible "Multitage": yes
Thank you very much. I get pissed every time I watch that clip. WHY DIDNT HE DIE?! Edit: Feel free to use it in a montage.
sorry Bizinis I recorded it in theater without sound and without the HUD I didn't hear the cut-off "Extermination" until it was already on youtube, and by then it was kinda too late, otherwise I would've put the HUD on. and yeah opo I know what you mean, you can hear the shotgun going off before he dies
Gamertag: Qrangeremi Link to File Share: http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?postID=19941456 It's a link to the thread... >.< Youtube or .Avi: Youtube. Okay to Use in Possible "Multitage": I don't see why you would, but sure.
orange's video is up now. Sorry for the not-so-wondrous quality, Long Story Short : Youtube was being a b*tch.
=[ I know. I was just freaking out about where the guy was, that's why I was shooting everywhere. But I thought it was quite cool that I was in the hole, and had disadvantage the entire time, yet happened to assassinate both of them. Thanks for the embed Monkey!
Gamertag: knight kninja Link to File Share:here File Share Slot #:9 Youtube Okay to Use in Possible "Multitage": sure because i know you won't claim credit for it
lol I didn't know what to expect. Especially at that distance, I though maybe "double-kill" but then you got a flag stop. I lol'd.
lol sweet. oh and tell me if you ever decide to change the limit for videos because the day after you posted that i had a pretty hilarious one.. otherwise keep it up. i might get a capture card today so you might not have to worry
Gamertag: Supernaut26 Link to File Share http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=35596349 (link to the video) Youtube or .Avi: Youtube Okay to Use in Possible "Multitage": Sure
Gamertag: Deathlycobra Link to File Share:http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=19860421 File Share Slot #:Slot (4) Youtube or .Avi: Youtube Okay to Use in Possible "Multitage":I dont really care I kinda cheated because this will be my 100th post...lol