The ultimate Forge object wishlist thread

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Teancum, Nov 4, 2011.

  1. Teancum

    Teancum Promethean

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    Guess I should introduce myself first. I'm a long time lurker, first time poster. I've been a modder for 10+ years (yes, I'm in my 30's) doing custom content for games as far back as Star Wars: Jedi Knight (1997). But enough about that . . .

    As I've been working in Forge World I've been blown away by the amount of content you can build with it. At the same time I've felt ... limited by the same old steel/glass palette of the Forerunner objects. As a programmer and modder for many years, I really can't imagine things like guns, vehicles, etc are stored on a per-level basis, and are rather stored in a common container that the levels access. That being said I'm gonna roll with that theory and make a list of things that would be great to add to that container that would apply across the board to current and future maps. Keep in mind it's a wishlist, I realize most of this would never be done. But I thought it might be a fun discussion among the community. Budget-wise nothing would change, meaning that you would still need to pick and choose based on the cost of each item, which could be determined by 343.

    Oh, and my mentality for being so completely overzealous with this list is that I hope Halo 4 and the inevitable Halo 2 HD run on Reach's multiplayer engine. It makes sense as that'd centralize all of their community online, and would mean only one game to maintain multiplayer for. Of course then there's the file size problem with an update, too. That's simple enough. Offer a free map and bundle these Forge objects as part of it. Require the map for matchmaking and everyone will download it.

    This also means 343/Microsoft/Digital Reality can simply publish more Forge World-like environments--smaller if need be--for a cost and let the community perpetuate the matchmaking system by creating new maps. It's cheap for them, robust for us.

    Oh, and feel free to add to the list. I'll update this post with suggestions.

    Common objects to all maps (I.E. not Forge World):

    Weapons, Human
    *Automag (Pistol variant from ODST)
    *Battle Rifle
    *Assault Rifle, MA5C (for nostalgia)
    *SMG, Silenced
    *Sentinel Beam (lumped in here for ease)
    *Turret, Gauss
    *Missile Pod

    Weapons, Covenant
    *Brute Shot
    *Particle Beam Rifle
    *Covenant Carbine
    *Spike Grenade
    *Incendiary Grenade
    *Turret, Shade Type 27 ASG
    *Turret, Shade Type 29 ASG

    *Warthog, Anti-Armor (black w/gold stripe version from Halo: CE)

    *Warthog, Transport

    *Elephant (max of 2, only on larger maps)
    *Sparrowhawk (from Halo Wars)
    *Spectre (Halo 2)
    *Falcon, Attack (pilot gun returns)
    *Falcon, Gauss (same as above, but side turrets are gauss guns)
    *Falcon, Transport (only side guns, two accessible passenger seats)
    *Wraith, Anti-Air

    Vehicles, Civilian (these could be used for race modes or simply aesthetics)
    *Hog (civilian Warthog)
    *Spade (truck seen in Reach - Winter Contingency)

    *Man Cannon, Forerunner (seen on Tempest)
    *Man Cannon, Heavy, Forerunner (seen on Tempest)
    *Man Cannon, Light, Forerunner (seen on Tempest)
    *Man Cannon, Massive (three of these side by side would make the man cannon on Avalanche)
    *Grav Lift, Large (similar to something like in Construct)
    *Special FX, Sunrise (a more subdued version of orange to give an early morning feel)
    *Special FX, Dusk (a more subdued version of purple, for an early night feel)
    *Teleporter, Classic (the Halo 2/3 style - retains Reach's functionality)
    *Teleporter, Retro (Halo 1
    style - retains Reach's functionality, not part of the teleporter frame)

    *Ammo case
    *Ammo crate
    *Barrel, small
    *Barrier, Jersey
    *Control Panel 1, Covenant (new)
    *Control Panel 2, Covenant
    *Drop Pod, Human
    *Drop Pod, Covenant
    *Drum, 55-Gallon
    *Energy Blocker (various sizes of forcefields for various doorways)
    *Floodlights, Broken
    *Hologram, Halo
    *Hologram, AI
    *Hologram, Ark
    *Generator, small
    *Generator, large

    *Power core
    *Signs (various)

    *Transformer, large (as seen in Last Resort)
    *Transformer, huge (ditto)
    *Weapon holder

    Items common to major Forge maps:

    (Structures are now broken down by faction/type, with their own subcategories as needed)

    Structure, Human
    *all Foundry objects, plus more color variants of the Containers as seen on Last Resort
    *Various metal buildings as seen in Reach
    *Concrete for basic building blocks/ramps
    *The rooms from Chiron TL-
    34, with ramps removed. Rooms would be inter-connectable as though the teleporters were never there, plus have an outside viewable surface
    *The wheel and its cradle from Zanzibar
    *Various Turf/Terminal/District-styled buildings
    *Pelican (prop - can be used as a crash site)
    *Pelican, crashed (same as above, but in a few pieces)
    *Albatross (prop)
    *Albatross, open
    *Shortsword, crashed
    *Teleporter frame, grey (a la Boarding Action)
    *Teleporter frame, red (a la Chiron TL-34)

    Structure, Forerunner
    *All existing objects
    *Base, Valhalla (could be broken into multiple pieces)
    *Base, Coagulation (again, broken into multiple pieces - for simplifying Forge budget and more varied creations)
    *Beam emitter (sends out a Forerunner beam - team color determines beam color, and parameters can be set to have it emit a pulse)
    *Beam terminator (used to end a beam)
    *Various specific bits from Construct and Epitaph (not a lego kit or anything, but enough that the very seasoned can recreate them well)
    *Yellow walls from The Pit, now changeable by team color

    Structure, Covenant (these would be more about rounded, organic pieces and less about squares)
    *Various "building blocks"
    *Atrium (the structure in the center of Assembly)

    *Hallway, short
    *Hallway, medium
    *Hallway, long
    *Hallway, 4-way
    *Hallway, curved short
    *Hallway, curved long
    *Outpost (a la Snowbound)
    *Platform, floating, flat
    *Platform, floating, sniper nest

    *Spire 1
    *Spire 2
    *Statue, Arbiter
    *Statue, Prophet

    *Spirit (prop)
    *Spirit, crashed
    *Phantom (
    *Phantom, crashed

    Structure, Neutral
    *All pieces from Sandbox and Sandtrap
    *More structure-style pieces akin to the tower in Warlock
    *Gray variants of all pieces

    Structure, Natural
    *All existing rocks
    *Various grass pieces, multi-sized and multi-sided with different elevations to allow for "reshaping" of landscape or creation of a new island
    *Ditto, but sand and dirt variants
    *Various rock walls on the scale of the colosseum wall, multiple shapes to allow more organic encasing of a level (anyone else bothered by colosseum wall enclosures?)
    *Rock, donut? (a giant, mildly deformed circle, useful for multiple arch variants)
    *Rock arch, tri (an arch, but it has three 'legs')
    *Tunnel, rock
    *Tree, small
    *Tree, medium
    *Tree, large
    *Tree, large, felled (a tree that has fallen to the ground)
    *Tunnel, tree (a hollow tree, fallen, that is now a tunnel)
    #1 Teancum, Nov 4, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2011
  2. alaserdolphin

    alaserdolphin Forerunner

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    I personally think this is a great list. I have thought of some of these, but the others were very creative. I would like the idea of making a poll, where the most desirable pieces could be voted on. Although I don't expect for them to take action from it, but I would like to see the top 'X' winners sent to 343. If they thought the items were a reasonable and clever idea to add, they might include them.
  3. Shik

    Shik Forerunner

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    Hasn't this been a created thread already?..
  4. Teancum

    Teancum Promethean

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  5. Elliot

    Elliot BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Probably the only realistic forge wishlist I have seen. I would love to use EVERYTHING on this list. Especially the FX's, natural objects and vehicle props/civi vehicles as I love making infection maps. I hope 343 see this for Halo 4. They should make it huge and add everything, even if it means putting forge on a seperate disk.
  6. Teancum

    Teancum Promethean

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    Yeah, I'm not sure why, as great as Forge World's stuff is (truly) there weren't more choices, or at least texture variants on existing stuff so it's not always the same palette. I really can't see Forge World and its assets pushing the limits of the 360's 512MB RAM, but more the processing power. That being said more types of objects stored in memory shouldn'tve been an issue.

    Still, I'm grateful for what we have. It's tons better than the tricks we had to do to make a great H3 map.
  7. WAR

    WAR Cartographer
    The Creator Forge Critic

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    If we include additional forge items in this thread, will you list them in addition to this thread? I also think that there should be a poll that supports this page. Something that 343 could see as a significant support towards wanted developments for Halo 4 forforgeworld. If enough people voice their opinions, its hard to ignore a fanbase. We represent dollar signs to them.
    #7 WAR, Nov 11, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2011
  8. Starship Forge

    Starship Forge Recruit
    Senior Member

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    Having played the CEA maps, I'd love for the human man cannon from Breakneck to be accessible in Forgeworld. It would make a really nice engine (since that's pretty much what it is) for spaceships and such, much better than any of the other man cannons.
  9. Elite Warrior5

    Elite Warrior5 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I think this is really cool but I would add the "Boardwalk" style rounded, white pieces.

    I would also add the Shadow covenant vehicle:

    I would also add the UNSC Cougar:

    I would also add the wolv:

    And the UNSC Cobra:

    They also need the landmines back.
  10. Jack Attaak

    Jack Attaak Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Great list. 343 needs to see this, even though the likelihood of anything happening (especially with those Halo Wars vehicles) might be slim.

    My additions to the list would be crashed/destroyed props of all of the previously mentioned vehicles (for smaller maps as scenery), destroyed or ruined variants of some of the Human and Forerunner walls and building blocks, gantries and other Human heavy machinery, guardrails, fences, and road pieces (think Lego baseplates). These could be New Mombasa/Breakneck styled, cement/Rat's Nest styled, or ruined/Tsavo Highway styled.

    I'm drooling just thinking about it.
  11. qrrby

    qrrby Waggly piece of flesh
    Senior Member

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    Amazing list, and I agree, I'd buy a whole separate disk to encompass everything here. On a related note, I'm heavy on making symmetrical maps and would LOVE an invert option for all those pesky asymmetric pieces instead of only being able to use them directly in the middle, or not at all.
  12. Elite Warrior5

    Elite Warrior5 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I really like the Shadow. They should bring that back from H2.

    Edited by merge:

    I thought 343 had an email that the public can send to.
    #12 Elite Warrior5, Nov 18, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2011
  13. The Trivial Prodigy

    Senior Member

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    To add to this:
    *All scenery items from Halo 3 maps (and I mean all of them, especially the stuff from High Ground)
    *Breakable glass

    Also, not related to forge, but, change the Elites so that they and Spartans are equal again. I like playing as an Elite in mp.
  14. Dizzyman572

    Dizzyman572 Forerunner

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    Agreed with this post entirely. If I could spam atleast one nooby spiral tower, I'll be happy. :)

    I would also like a new forge palette relating to the New Alexandria/Exodus campaign level. I know that they were boring to the max, but imagine what forgers could do with those kind of forge pieces. Something related to the Reflection MP level would be nice as well.
  15. AndroidQuazar

    AndroidQuazar Forerunner

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    really. you did perfect job. they have to add few of them :D
  16. Waterfall

    Waterfall Promethean
    Senior Member

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    It would be cool to have some really cool theme pieces like a test tube perhaps containing a flood ( similar to cold storages test tube) also if you could add that weird stuff like egg sacks? Or something those lumpy fleshy things from the flood if you could make those also make bodies... For these there would be spartans marines civilians elites hackles grunts hunters and brutes it would be really cool to have rain and snow special effects I love your idea for the beam transmitter I wish they gave us a tool to shape land and put in rivers that would be so cool! I've thought about holograms b4 like prophet holograms...etc also spinning covenant spires like those things you see spinning outside the halo 2 map Gemini
  17. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    I thought this was dead. How unfortunate.

    I wish they would add everything so people would stop bumping this thread.
  18. FrozenGoathead

    FrozenGoathead all i want is a CT that says mullosc
    Senior Member

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    I want trees.
    Different wall designs would be nice.
    Custom shape forge objects.
    Anti gravity switch.
  19. Waterfall

    Waterfall Promethean
    Senior Member

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    Covenant antennas ( reach campaign)
    Covenant objs (first phase of invasion spire) doors with buttons to open and or close (last resort)
    Different textured rocks ( mossy etc ..)
    Vines that can hang like from rocks or trees like the ones in the caves on highlands) large spinning generators seen in the beginning of winter contingency
    Ice and puddles icecicles
    It would be awesome if we could make areas if zero g or little gravity like we would adjust size and shap as we would adjust a kill boundary space effects (dark outside light inside what you build) a huge frigate in the sky as seen on sand trap
  20. FrozenGoathead

    FrozenGoathead all i want is a CT that says mullosc
    Senior Member

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    That would cause too much frame rate lag.

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