NOTE: This map was made a year ago. Annex is an inverse symmetrical floating map designed for MLG Oddball. The main idea I had for Annex was to have a balanced map that allows for multiple setups and ways to break each setup. I wanted a map that played like The Pit in terms of strategic coordinated movements without the standoffish game play that the wall in the center provided. Annex consists of various routes to traverse the map to ensure non-repetitive game play. Though it feels sectioned off, it has many long lines of sight that promote team shooting. It also sports various useful jumps to catch the enemy off guard. Thanks to Salot for help with objectives, thanks to Menotyou and Schnitzel for help with spawns, and thanks to Baron for helping the aesthetics. I appreciate it guys. Annex gameplay: Overview: Middle: Blue Base (Identical to Red Base): Staircase: Street: Red/Blue Balcony: Window: Sniper Spawn: Hallway: Link: Annex
It's really hard to tell from the screenshots, but this seems to be a well constructed map. No ridiculously long LoS's, yet it still has enough to make the map not a complet CQB map. That being said, the palette looks really bland, and there's no distinguishing features throughout the map. I mean, sure, you can orientate yourself according to scenery, but it just doesn't give the map that same feel. Maybe try incorporating toys or something to identify each base?
Even now, I say this map is still extraordinary compared to many a map MLG uses now. However, I still say it needs to be moved away from that pesky waterfall! :B But aside this, needs more Camo. Maybe a Nade Launcher with Camo on that jump across above Ball spawn in Slayer only. Dunno, I've done many a run through's on this map over the last 5 or so months. Its good. Just save for the few things mentioned above. Haven't played a game on it myself, haven't gotten around too it. But that's just what's pestered me this entire time. :U But back on point. Maps very good, terrific lines of sight, excellent escape routes. In my mind, would be boss for TS/5Flag and some oddball customs. Zero Bloom or Bloom, either or, would be pretty fun. Great job Xzamples. :B
Why didn't you release this earlier? This will be my vote for favorites. But what time is the overshield set too? It should be set high like 90s or 180s.
He did release it earlier. He just didn't make a thread for it on ForgeHub. Everyone on MLG knows about this map and how old it is. Still a good map, but revising it to live up to modern forge standards would be a good idea.
Much like Terrace, aesthetic features were the last thing on my mind. I wanted unique geometry and clean forging. My mentality about map design since this has changed drastically, so you wont have to worry about bland maps from me in the future. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Believe me, I was infuriated when I realized that the map is so close to the waterfall, but it would be a lot of work to move the map, and I have moved on from this design. 120 seconds [br][/br]Edited by merge: Revise to modern standards? In your dreams, son.
Well, I may or may not have it still, but I did do a little moving of the map a few months ago. Got roughly half of it moved during some down time. o_o; I'm pretty sure I still have it. Edit: Oh hey. I still have it. Just checked.
ANNEX, it's like onslaught only greyer...... Kidding. This map has a great level of depth and nice overlapping lines of sight, amazing considering the time you forged it (you were still a noob). Yeah it's a little bland aesthetically but the layout is top notch. It's good you finally got around to releasing it over here, maybe I'll do the same for some of my older maps.....maybe.
Will you have this dance...One more time? JK It's in my blood brah. Onslaught is a part of my soulol.
I personally think dozens of more times are required. Anyways, I remember DL'ing this map. I never played it because I wasn't involved with the community back then, but it looked pretty nice.
It's hard to determine from the screenshots how this map would play...but after watching the video it looks solid! I'll give it a download so I can give more precise feedback...
Off the record, since I was bored and liked this map. I went ahead and made it in the canyon. Needs a few minor tweaks with some 2x2 blocks, maybe the spawn zones(don't think I put them in the exact same location). But, Xzamples has the final word on it, since its his map. Mine's just a fan's rendition of it, away from that pesky waterfall. o_o
Why would you release two hallways and a river? =) Oh, well, this is forgehub. It might get popular! But yeah, xzample, it's a bit too similar to commons and onslaught, which are almost (exactly) the same map btw. Onslaught is just an edit of commons really, and yet SaLoT gets all the credits for it. Might want to make something original about the map.
Ha ha. I wasn't thinking of releasing that map. Just everything in my F.S. I haven't already released here. Also back on topic, isn't the waterfall only pesky when it leads to frame rate lag. I don't remember seeing any lag on this, is the rebuild really necessary?
Well, the waterfall is more annoying for those with fancy dancy mics. Like turtle beach's and what have you. <.< It drowns out footsteps and such. The 'rebuild' probably isn't really necessary, but it came down to me just being somewhat annoyed with hearing that darn waterfall in the background. Cause it made me feel better. c: Of which, I haven't done anything with it, its just sitting on my harddrive for the time being. Edit: Hence why I don't think Pennence is going to be to high on MLG's radar. That waterfall is much louder when your on the bottom near OS spawn. I don't need my Turtle too hear that. o_o For this one, this waterfall is not so much you can't hear footsteps, on this, you most likely wouldn't be able to hear callouts. I haven't played the CEA maps yet, this is just coming from a run through on forge, trying to figure out if its good for competitive play/can be edited for MLG play.
I remember you showed me this last week or something, and I noticed how complex the layout was. It wasn't hard to understand, but it had a lot of height variation and no overpowering areas. For a map that was made a year ago, it beats out most of the other maps I've seen. Also, nice aesthetics, noob. I would like to get a game on this to see how it plays; Great work.
Hey, since you are done with symmetrical maps. Why don't you make an asym based on this maps concept.
I tried to avoid immitating The Pit's slow gameplay by removing the central wall, but you can't have that strategic element in the design without slowing down the gameplay.