Hey forgehub, as you know I have been a member of forgehub for a couple of months now, and I never really got the chance to introduce myself properly. I am Sinless, and my real name is Adrian, I live in Texas and I enjoy what I do, video games. I have quite a special power, as my friends may call it, I can take alot of pain, once I got into a fight with my friend and he stabbed me with his pencil in a desperate attempt to defend himself, the lead went into my arm, and I broke his pencil with my skin, I pulled it out later and felt absoultely nothing.
What up im Lannders.....welcome? i guess XD. i can also take loads of pain walked around with a broken wrist for almost a week cause i kept forgeting i hurt it. so kudos
Well I've been walking around with a back pain, i dont know whats wrong with it, but every time i bend down it feels like 50 guys kicking me in the ass at the same time. It took me 20minutes just for me to put on my pants this morning. lol, and I couldn't sleep for the past 5 days because it hurts so much. Despite the pain and suffering, i didn't let out an ahh ohh moan or anything else.
Howdy stranger!? Well I might as well introduce myself to you my name is Moses and I live in the golden state a.k.a California. I am just going to say this I hate pain,but I can ignore a great amount of pain one example being the time I played tetherball with a sprained wrist. I miss tetherball T.T. Well as always Sinless if you ever need someone to test you can go ahead and invite me
I just want to make sure that you know that you can always rely on me as a tester, but yes I have helped you test several of your maps. On a side note testing maps lately has been extremely difficult and a drag :/