Let me start off with this: I know how much you all hate remakes. They have all been done countless time. Either I didn't add enough creativity to it, or there is something from the original that I didn't capture. Well, Anyway, here is my remake of Halo CE's Chill Out. I have probably spent well over 100 hours recreating this map. I accounted for every angle and jump that I could hold true from the original gameplay of this map. Yes, the window jump is possible! This is a must for hardcore halo 1 fans, as well as people who have never gotten to play this map as it is not being released as a MP map for Halo Anniversary. With the release of Halo Anniversary not including this as a MP map option, I set out to recreate it to the best of my ability so that it may live on. I have looked at all of the other remakes of this map out there and I can confidently say that this is THE most accurate/scaled version available. If you disagree, than you obviously have not played the original. Regardless, give it a try--let me know you like/dislike. I am sure that you will not be disappointed. gvnza
Looks good. I'd suggest building this on an Annviersary map with the Forge palettes they have. Might end up seeing it in matchmaking for that. I don't think we'll be seeing any Forge World maps in the Anniversary playlists.
This looks really good. I only played Chill out a couple of times, but I can see the resemblance immediately. It's obvious you really did put a lot of effort into it; the angles and the minor details of everything that makes this map is obvious to anyone looking at/playing it. Kudos. Make sure you message me, I won't be able to playtest this for a while, but I would like to give you some more feedback.
Coming from a guy that broke his router, and still plays Halo 1 on his computer, this is pretty accurate. I love how you incorporated the window to show just like good ole Chill Out. Definitely getting a game on this, bookmarked.
unfortunately, the new anny maps dont really allow for this. ty for the kind words. we had an old fashioned lan party this weekend, and like i hoped, the gameplay really held up to the original!