"Copyright infringement (or copyright violation) is the unauthorized use of material that is covered by copyright law, in a manner that violates one of the copyright owner's exclusive rights(see a dumb cats post), such as the right to reproduce or perform the copyrighted work, or to make derivative works." That includes modding by the way (derivative works) "before a magistrates' Court, the penalties for distributing unauthorised files are a maximum fine of £5,000 and/or six months imprisonment" "in the Crown Court, the penalties for distributing unauthorised files are an unlimited fine and/or up to 10 years imprisonment" Oh yeah theres definately no "real" punishments for modding. However as you can imagine microsoft dont have time to sue every modder in the world,the words "couldn't be bothered" summarise it.It would probably end up costing them more money than you anyway. Its basically the same thing as using limewire or sharing musci files,its against the alw but its so widespread that not everyone could possibly be caught.However that does not mean YOU wont be.Not everyone wants to take the risk for modded content,especially when none of it is particularly useful (why would you want elevan elephants on one maps?When you can only have 2 teams in objective) So yeah its quite possible you could go to jail for modding,unlikely but then again so was the chance of getting sick form artificial colours but people still blew a fuse over the blue and yellow smarties. And no im not from australia im from ireland, Note the leprechaun and the big "Ireland!" on my "location"? Honestly...i worry about the common sense of some people
These type of mods are forge files therefore have to with forge. These mods are fun. The game reads them as forge files (because they really are)!
The question is why are they not allowed here ---and my answer to you is pure ignorance of the staff+ members on how these mods work. Most people assume these mods are similar to the H2 ones, but in fact they are totally different. THEY ARE FORGE FILES!! Hope you understand now!
The Forge file is the thing you download when you dl a map. It tells the game engine where to place objects.
Becuase mods are piracted content and the people hosting forgehub for us have legal issues with modded content and will come done on FH like a nuclear bomb if we start allowing it.Also the last few posts have made it pretty clear WHY
That's what I've been trying to say kinda before these dudes got all offensive. And how in the hell is a forge file going to screw up matchmaking. Ohh and supermidget there's been several modded maps in bungie favorites I highly doubt they're gonna sue those guys for 5,000 E or whatever you brits use.
No, the first thing you did was ask for a link. Then, after me and Supamidget realized that modded content wasn't allowed here, you got offensive. Also, it's been proven that someone can edit the map file enough so that when the server tries to verify it, it sees it as an error, and prompts to load a new one. That's how it can screw up matchmaking. Edit: Here's a collection of all of the offensive, rude, and other things that have perpetuated this topic.
You just made that up. What you said was complete nonsense. BTW servers have absolutely nothing to do with reading files saves on you hard drive. A side note for everyone: Modding isn't illegal- disabling the protection on your 360 is. Dling and even making these types of maps (the ones that are forge files) is perfectly legal.
No, it's been done before on Halo 2 and 3. If you can keep the server from reading the map file correctly, it will not load it, and skip to the next one. It's like how if you scratch your disk, you might not be able to play part of Campaign, because since it's the biggest part of the Halo 3 disk, it's sectored together in order to make it read faster. Subsequently, the map is read erroneously, and it won't load.
Btw rip you up,none of the posts about laws etc where reliant on modded content being the same as piracted content.Just the one about why its banned on FH,i'd say theres still a perfectly logical reason,its still against the law and yes,chances are you are not going to go to jail,or even be banned from xbox live.But why take the risk for a bunch of maps that,at the minute are utterly crap? "Alright hell yeah,im in a hornet on the pit and can barely f***ing manouver F*** yeah!" Sounds like the same kind of "player" that plays on avalanche with all the filters on (arby and the chief referance,woot!) And god rip you up could you fail geography anymore. Ill give you a hint,find britain on your atlas and look to the left,there you go.well done. Btw britain uses the pound sterling,if your gonna flame get your facts right.
Someone said it was okay if they mod as long as they don't do matchmaking. Well, I watched all the videos, it seems as if they mad the mods from a forged map, if so, they could in theory still do everything non-modders can because the map they're modding isn't the normal version of map and doesn't affect matchmaking whatsoever.