wish they would create a new forgeworld...or at least a snow map. Getting tired of the same color scheme
So far from all the preview videos all the maps have a very sizable forge menu and options. The exception to this rule is Penence oddly enough which is larger the solitary which has plenty of forge capacity. Timberland is going to be great to forge however from what I saw in youtube vids only one type of tree is forgeable.
This video is pretty helpful for those of you wondering to what extent each map is forgeable. Goes by a bit too fast IMO, but you should get a general idea of the forge palette for each map. I don't believe High Noon is included in these maps. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C9C-HzJrFfU Video won't embed for some reason. You'll have to click the link.
I told everybody! I knew there would be forgeable trees! Wow, can't believe there is only 5 1/2 hours left. Edited by merge: Here are some of the forge items you have: Barriers Sandbags Blocks Trees Overlooking Building Forunner Doors Covenant Platforms Covenant Camping Stool Covenant Antenna Covenant Grav Lift I-Beams human doors and all the regular forge world stuff. These are on all maps together. Some maps wont have certein objects.
Ehm, it's been confirmed there would be 1 place-able tree Forge object for months now. It's nothing new.
I like how you guys are arguing about the 1 type of tree that we can only place 5 of. And there are so many damn trees on the map with the one we can place being so large and bushy that using it for any kind of tree house is going to be pointless. Like the drift wood on tempest, best used for decoration.
I suspected this...all of the CEA maps have actually taken the names of community remakes. Of course there's High Noon I mentioned up there, and the Damnation remake in the Team Classic playlist was also named Penance, I think. And I do remember playing a Timberland remake named Ridgeline, a Prisoner remake named Solitary, and a Beaver Creek inspiration named Battle Canyon (by Noxiw). As well as these, there was a Halo 3 inspiration of Headlong that got featured here awhile back that went by the same name as the remake. And here it is: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/featured-maps/23373-breakneck.html Pretty interesting stuff, I think.