Dragon Fields is an aesthetic, smooth, and competitive race track designed for the fast and the forge. It includes a barrel roll, rocks, speedways, and smooth U turns. The map contains 2 FXs, 1 purple and 1 nova, thus adding an overall greyish-purple color to the map. It is designed for 2 to 8 players, but can play up to 16. The normal lap time is about 55 seconds, but my fastest time is 40 seconds. Just to let everyone know, this is my first race track. Enjoy!
I like it!. After just playing Skyrim, this reminds me of it. (The Aesthetics ) Nice Job. For your first race awesome.
Thanks. I attempted to get a foreign look and feel to it, while having a wild feel to the track, if that makes sense. Glad to know you like it.
I justed finished racing here and here's what I got: •Out of 9 laps(3 races), that wonderful barrel roll you talked about landed me right side up zero times •You put a 90 degree turn in what should be a competitive race map. No •Your jumps are smooth 90% of the time but you still have a cgance of flipping off the track These are just the 3 main flaws I noticed when racing here. I had a party of 6 and it did not work at all. And as spy penguin said, Dragon Fields yet no dragon.
Thanks for the feedback. I'm working with a new race track because this one just isn't good enough to enter in the contest, but I don't have an aesthetic theme. Any ideas?