Does anybody know of a good campaign style invasion map? I'm working on one that I started today, but I'm wondering if anybody else has one.
Check out AD Record alternate campaign. There's like ten of them. When I find the link I'll edit it into here. Actually, I'm not sure if he has posted them yet, but I think he has them on his file share. This was his beta test thing
Nope, but try looking at more campaign maps, not just on Reach, but on 3 and other games as well, they might give you a kick start.
Campaign doesn't translate well to multiplayer. Gameplay on any campaign style invasion map will consist mostly of walking or driving from one place to another which gets boring quickly. I've played a few of those but they were so terrible I'm not going to bother finding the links for you. If you plan to use these maps for anything other than machinima, I suggest you give up. If you do plan to use the maps for machinima, I suggest you go play campaign.
This. Most of them get boring, both for the elites and the spartans. the only decent one I played that was actually fun was a take off of Data Hive from ODST. That one was quite good, played very well. but thats the only one I know of, and I don't have a link :/ maybe someone else knows the map of which I speak?
Cargo port and data hive were both good but those felt more like normal invasion maps than campaign style invasion. At least I think he's asking for campaign style invasion maps which are usually extremely large, linear, and filled with vehicles.
The Hushed Apprentice, which is currently stickied at the top of the competitive section, is a fantastic campaign-ish invasion map. It's based off of the Silent Cartographer from CE, if you couldn't tell by the name.