I understand that Forge Hub is affiliated with Bungie. Is this correct? And is Forge Hub officially affiliated with 343i, or has Forge Hub lost their status as an affiliation with the authors of Halo? And is there any official relationship with Microsoft?
So what is 343i's position/policy with modded content? And if it is different than Bungie's does this free us to post modded content here at FH?
Having modded content breaks Microsoft's Terms of Use. For having it at all, you can be banned (However rarely that happens). So yeah, you're still not allowed to post it here.
If this site is affliated with the creators of Halo, why aren't our great maps featured in matchmaking?
Oh, how did I miss that? Man, I would have been happier if some of Forgehub's maps made it into matchmaking, if it weren't for those smartass braggers.
Yeah, but all Maps that get into Matchmaking are Competitive, who not some Causual Maps? Or some Gametypes for Firefight or Action Sack?
Well the cartographers are looking for infection maps now, so they aren't just limited to competitive.
When you make a map, you own the intellectual property of the map design. That is why forgetacular came with a requirement that you surrender to bungie the rights to the map in total. But I was just wondering if FH is still intent on banning folks who post modded maps. Despite claims to the contrary, it sounds like FH is still affiliated with Microsoft and must still enforce the no modded content rule of Microsoft, AND it sound like Microsoft still has that rule in place. Tell me moderators if I am wrong here...
You can't post modded maps here, and I doubt that'll change anytime in the near future without a clear policy reversal on microsoft's end.