"Remake of an area in Halo 2 campaign. Slayer, CTF, Race, Stockpile, Infection. 6-16 recommended. By Aasherknight" Weapons on map: 5 Needle Rifles 4 DMRs 2 Plasma Turrets 2 Sniper Rifles 2 Rocket Launchers 1 Grenade Launcher 1 Gravity Hammer 1 Energy Sword 1 Plasma Launcher 1 Concussion Rifle Vehicles on Map: 1 Warthog 2 Ghost Spoiler Outside of the Main Structure Spoiler Side of the Main Structure Spoiler Part of the waterfront Spoiler Main Tunnel Spoiler Secondary Tunnel Spoiler Rock Front
so it looks like there is a one way door/drop into the main tunnel. Is that just a spawn, or did you include the middle part of the map too?
Halo 2 was easily my favourite Halo campaign, and Delta Halo was up there in terms of individual levels (behind Outskirts, Metropolis and The Great Journey). It looks true to the original, I especially like the crooked column implementation. I'll give it a dl. But if there's no envy skull, I'll be severely disappointed...
Yes the middle structure is open for you to walk through, though I wish I could have made it look better. There is a sword on the map as a tribute to the envy skull, it is the platform that holds the sword. Considering i was running extremely close with the item limit a few things had to be cut unfortunately.