Winterfell V2

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Javidson Ist, Nov 7, 2011.

  1. Javidson Ist

    Javidson Ist Forerunner

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    Well following the feedback produced from winterfell 1.0 I decided to remake the map completely from scratch as it would be easier and there were some key things I really wasn't happy with. Here are some pics of the newer and nicer looking design. Please note that grass base will have some cover, I just haven't worked that out yet.




    This map will feature race as well as all other gametypes and probably will be entered into the competition.

    As always, any feedback is much appreciated and if you want to do a forge through, the map is in my fileshare. I haven't posted a link as the map is far from completion

    Edited by merge:

    If the images aren't showing I'm sorry I will fix it tomorrow as I'm on my phone atm.
    #1 Javidson Ist, Nov 7, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2011
  2. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    Fixed the images for you...from my phone
  3. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Wow, that looks so much better. I can't tell a whole lot about gameplay from the screenshots, but the map's improved immensely in the aesthetic department, and I'm sure gameplay will be better too from now on. I'd love to play this version sometime soon.
  4. Javidson Ist

    Javidson Ist Forerunner

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    Thanks for the fix pyro.

    I thought the aesthetics were an area I could definitely improve on but I have yet to place any weapons so I can't comment on gameplay although I'm sure that it will be pretty similar as the map layout is almost the same.

    If anyone can help me with grass base I'd really appreciate it as I've got forger's block!
    #4 Javidson Ist, Nov 8, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2011
  5. MockKnizzle008

    MockKnizzle008 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I hate to say it, but it feels to me like this new version is a step in the completely wrong direction.

    There were a great many things that I really liked about the old version that made it feel fun and unique: the deathpit near grass side with the dangerous infantry path, the diagonal paths, the ****in' sweet windows next to the rampart on the opposite side, and the fun, multilayered layout of the central building with lots of different access points, to name a few. Your rebuilt design is just all squares, which really killed all the cool lines of sight you had going for you. The left side path is boring as hell now with no cover at all, since you scrapped that lower side room behind the tower thing, and you took out the mancannon which I found incredibly useful. And from what I can see of the interior, it looks like you just made it all one big, open room, which is no fun for anybody.

    I really hope you still have the previous map file around, because I'd hate to see this map lose all it's charm and character just because people told you to clean up the aesthetics.
    #5 MockKnizzle008, Nov 8, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2011
  6. Javidson Ist

    Javidson Ist Forerunner

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    I'm can see what you mean and I find it quite amsuing that the things you mentioned (apart from the windows) were all things I did on a whim with no real planning. This current design is subject to change however and it may be that I redo the inside of the centre building. Looking at the pictures the leftside path by which I assume you mean the non-tunnel side really does need a bit of interest added to it and I do think it's too narrow and boring at the moment.

    As for the windows, if you look carefully that design has been replicated elsewhere and there are equivalent 'tunnel watching' spots which aren't clear in the pictures.

    The old version of the map is still on my harddrive but perhaps you'd like to give this one a forge-through and get back to me with feedback. As I said it is in my fileshare.
  7. MockKnizzle008

    MockKnizzle008 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I did the forgethrough, and I'm sticking with pretty much everything I said. Honestly, the old design is just flat-out better :p It may well all have been by complete accident, but intentional or not, you hit upon a really fun and unique design that was a blast to play.

    Yes, by "left" I meant non-tunnel side. (open side?) I think it really needs to have that side room thing there, to act as cover for people advancing out of red base and also as a critical waypoint for the attackers pulling the flag. I had a crazy awesome cap where I grabbed the flag, barely made it in there as a one-shot, and then magically jumped in a Hog as my teammate drifted through. Wouldn't have made it without the room!

    As far as the windows go, yes, you do have places to look in, but the layout isn't the same at all. In the old layout, the windows and the rampart were connected in such a way that you could jump back and forth over the road as you fought people inside or over at grass base. The current windows are way too far to jump and don't have near the amount of gameplay value the old ones did.

    The new tunnel looks nice, but is kinda wasteful as far as objects go... you have two brace larges where you only need one. Also, moving the ramp from the tunnel to the central building from the far corner to right in front of red base makes it basically the only route people are ever gonna take with the flag, as well as essentially disconnecting that far corner from everything else.

    Really, the one positive change I saw in the new version was the rock ramps up to the raised cliff area in grass base. The gravlifts were kinda janky.

    I'd love to get my hands on the old version and give you some specific feedback on how it can be improved without a total redesign, would you mind putting that up on your fileshare too?
    #7 MockKnizzle008, Nov 9, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2011
  8. Javidson Ist

    Javidson Ist Forerunner

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    It seems odd that you like the 'deathpit' as during a forgethrough with another tester yesterday, he said that he was really glad I removed it.

    I know what you mean about the corner steps and the room on the openside and I've been thinking about how I can put them in. I am planning to widen the open side so a room can be added.

    I will add the old version to my fileshare
    #8 Javidson Ist, Nov 9, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2011
  9. Zigywig

    Zigywig Forerunner

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    The map looks very bland in some spots, but they are probably being flushed out now. Overall looks solid. I'll be sure to check this out when it is posted.
  10. Javidson Ist

    Javidson Ist Forerunner

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    The map is now ready for team slayer variants as well as two team ctf variants. It also now has a race mode. Have a go here and tell me what you think!
    #10 Javidson Ist, Nov 12, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2011
  11. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I gave the TG version a fly-through, and I stand by what I said above. This looks far better than the original version to me. I look forward to actually getting a game on here.
  12. Javidson Ist

    Javidson Ist Forerunner

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    The TG version is the same. I just put it here swell because any feedback is good feedback.

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