343 used the word "Forgeable" to describe all of the maps. It's been confirmed that there would be a single tree object in posts from BS angel. What other proof have you seen that I haven't?
Could you point me to the specific video? I just looked through the whole channel and couldn't find anything confirming forge on Ridgeline.
80% of what Halo4Follower says is utter bullshit. Very little of what he says is new, or remotely correct.
I actually agree with you, but only about the halo 4 crap he keeps talking about. I do believe the Forge on Timberland though.
So.... he said it... nothing was shown though. Totally credible... I've believed in High Noon's forge for a while now, but we'll have to wait and see. We really have no idea what's coming.
Just FYI, 'Fully Forgable' generally means either being able to delete everything on the map down to the barest of bones, or a large enough skybox with enough items in the pallet to actually be usefull. One type of tree, some scenery items and maybe a few structural ones do not count.
I think everyone had assumed this anyway, but I think this the first time we've officially been told about the release of the Anniversary map pack. Thank you 343 for telling us before releasing the game (unlike the Mythic II maps) Anniversary maps can be played from Reach if you download them as DLC or if you use the code which comes with the game (meaing you have to have a new copy) but Reach maps can't be played from HCEA, even if the games are installed on your HDD.
lolololoololoolololololololololololololol something else on your mind right now? But I am pumped for solitary, I feel like so much can come out of that map.
Where's the confirmation for that? Don't tell me "Check out this random youtube channel," I want direct links and sources, or a whole lot of reasoning.
It would seem a little odd that they'd make the trees forgable so you can clear the map but not include a decent forge palette to let you build a new one. Other than trees and rocks, the only other objects I've seen are the rocket spawn structures, the turret platforms and maybe the bridge. They're clean compared to the bases themselves, they don't have any plants growing on/over them. Still, we only had logs to build with in the Halo PC demo and that was fun!
Ehm, no. You guys should really stop making **** up. They said Ridgeline will feature a Forge tree object, nothing more. Also, seen the many varying types of trees (with a lot of texture detail and shadow which Forge objects don't have) I very much doubt you can even delete a single one of them. The only thing you cause by saying **** that isn't true is a bunch of disappointed people.