I haven't had the chance to play on this yet, but I have to say that it looked pretty impressive when you showed it to me in forge.
Haha why thank you! Who would of thought the MIA waldo Would be the first post? When you return to the cyber realms you def gotta give it a play test.
Wow. Just wow. This looks absolutely incredible, the sheer size of the map...I just want to play it so much. I really like your usage of large walkways, and the fact that you used hemorrhage in all of its entirety plus the cave and montana (?)...just wow. And I love the idea behind it too. The introduction of RTS styled gameplay into an FPS is a very original idea, and it looks like you pulled it off really well. Also, I love the focus on vehicle combat and the tweaks you made to damage and resistances; the scorpion kill stats sound really balanced. Can't wait to give this a run through with a big group. Maybe someone should consider this for TGIF...*hint*. Anyways, definite download from me. Keep up the great work.
Hey, I remember you showing this to me! Final version is finally out Congrats man, I won't be online to test it out like I promised though. Should be able to run games late Nov. Until then I hope everybody picks up this map. Download the GAMETYPE! Its essential to play on this map
Woah. I'm really liking this idea right here. It looks pretty dang sweet. Is this map setup for Rocket Race? I know it's not what it's made for, but I think that it could easily work. Once again, great job.
I have to say this map looks very impressive. i will get a game on this the next chance i get. keep up the good forging.
SKB makes the craziest maps, this is one of the craziest. But I do love it. The things that go through your head man. I'm so jelly.
This is one of the most competitive game types I have played on Halo Reach. Salty, as usual, you out did your self.
Ey, Deffock and Pascifist, go post someplace else too. It looks kind of suspicious when there are two posts by two completely new users right after each other. I can ensure everyone else that they're not Salty's proxy accounts or anything. And yeah, this map is bloody amazing. Felt pretty epic even when you played with just the four of us in those early test games. I will be mad if that kid, blood gulch, comes yelling it's not competitive.
This looks impressive, and the damage counters will make this interesting. But one thing that stuck out to me is that the map is modded. If I'm not mistaken, the limit on Scorpions for a map is 8. You said there was 12. Might want to fix that.
You say that like its a bad thing...what if you were the guy left behind without a scorpion? Walk of shame....