Forged by: I PAINTS I *NOTE: THIS MAP IS NO LONGER AVAILABLE TO DOWNLOAD* A small to medium sized slayer map made for FFA slayer and rumple pit type games. As you can see I gave it kind of a pink and purple Covenant theme. Here are the weapons and equipment with their spawn times. 1x Sniper Rifle - 120 seconds 1x Shotgun - 120 seconds 1x Rocket Launcher - 130 seconds 1x Grenade Launcher - 80 seconds 1x Plasma Repeater - 40 seconds 3x DMR - 40 seconds 2x Needle Rifle - 40 seconds 2x Assault Rifle - 30 seconds 2x Plasma Rifle - 40 seconds 8x Plasma Grenades - 10 seconds 2x Frag Grenades - 10 seconds 1x Overshield - 120 seconds 2x Health Pack - 30 seconds 1x Active Camo - Never spawns You may find that not all the weapons are featured in the pictures. You just have to download the map and check it out for yourself! So here are the pictures. I hope all of you enjoy! Comment if you have any questions.
I don't know if this was your intention or not, but you've got some ridiculously long LoS's; that high bridge shot is causing me quite a lot of concern. It's very long and unbroken, and apart from jumping off, the player can only walk along this LoS. That being said, I really do like the theme you've got going on in this map, and it looks like there's some really nice forging going on. I'll DL this and add some more later.
Only prob I see is the long-ass bridges. If u try and walk that I'm sure u'd get shot up. But the aesthetics are really neat and shows balanced fighting environment
You should let me know if u make a re fix of this map. I'd be very interested. I tried to fix the long bridges. It's hard to do without completely changing up the map. Maybe shorten the huge middle tower and incorporate the top platform of it with the bridges.