
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by PA1NTS, Nov 8, 2011.

  1. PA1NTS

    PA1NTS Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    A symmetrical map made and submitted by: I PAINTS I

    There is a bad omen hidden in this map. Fight on top a giant forerunner structure atop the ocean. Maps plays out well.. I've tested it. It is perfectly mirrored. There are a couple explosives. Hidden drop-downs and jumps, but I made sure to set soft kill boundaries so you can't get on the roof or in any unfair spots.


    Map features a complete set of weapons: 2x Sniper-150 second spawn
    4x DMR - 30 second spawn
    2x Grenade Launcher - 45 second spawn
    1x Gravity Hammer - 160 second spawn
    2x Needler - 50 second spawn
    2x Plasma Pistol - 30 second spawn
    2x Shotgun - 180 second spawn
    2x Plasma Rifle - 30 second spawn
    2x Concussion Rifle - 180 second spawn
    4x plasma grenades - 10 second spawn

    I will now give you a tour around..


    The above picture is pointed at the back of blue team's spawn. The wing closest to you in the picture leads to the right outpost tower. There you'll find a shotgun with only six shots. Right beside you is the landing for the man cannon from red teams side. This takes us to our next picture:


    From the lift landing we can go under the shotgun tower where you will find a concussion rifle and some cover. You can keep heading down to where the gravity hammer is.


    After coming back up on either side, you are back at the concussion rifle. You are also on a bridge that takes you to the main middle bridge of the map. Here you will find a sniper lying on a bench.

    You will see as you play that the sniper spawns are in the open and you will probably be shot at by DMR fire from either base.

    Now back to blue team spawn.


    Here is a drop-down that will quickly take you to the sniper on the main bridge that connects the two bases in one of many ways.

    Another way across is the open bridge high up that has a needler on it. From there you can drop down to hammer bridge or to the other side of the map.


    Here you can see the needler bridge which is close to the man cannon that takes you to the opposite base.


    There is a grenade launcher sitting near the man cannons which comes in handy when crossing over to shotgun tower.

    The map features lots of ways to get around and the bridge/suspended type of feel is really fun. Check it out. Works best for Team Slayer Gametypes or Multi Flag.

    Thanks. Subscribe to me please, this was my first thread. I'd like feedback PLEASE
    #1 PA1NTS, Nov 8, 2011
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2012
  2. thefightdude

    thefightdude Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I really like the design of this map, built with levels high points and low points. Does it lead into 'Paradiso' (pic 6)? Are there that impression when i saw the falcon (pic 1) and broken warthog and revenant (pic 2). Anyway i think this map was well designed and thought of. Nice job, keep making maps.
  3. Southern

    Southern Forerunner

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    I like the idea, but don't get overly obsessed with bridges. If all you can do in a spot is move forward and back, gameplay gets awkward. Oh, and try not to use steep ramps.
  4. PA1NTS

    PA1NTS Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    The bridges were just a theme for this specific map . Hence the name catwalks. I wouldn't usually make something like this but it works surprisingly good
  5. PractiseCactus

    PractiseCactus Forerunner

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    It looks like a cool map, I love the elevation that you've put into it, and it's aesthetically pleasing. But I have to agree with S0uthernNumber1; even if it does work well, gamely s still linear. This can get really frustrating really quickly.
    Also, I noticed there was a lot of glass, you used heaps of ramp bridges, you've got lights and XL bridges as well as man cannons...what's the frame rate like?
  6. PA1NTS

    PA1NTS Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    The frame rate is good. I didn't even come close to my budget. And yes, I like working with glass. It looks good and you can see players through it. I wouldn't use glass for cover though. Its hard to hind behind glass.. and to answer the questions "thefightdude" posted. No the part that you see in the background that goes to paradiso has nothing to do with gameplay. I like making background scenery that you can't get to. No there are no vehicles. A re-make is in the works though, would you guys like to see a fixed version? (Catwalks v2) I will post one only if people want it.

    SPL4TTERMAN Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    This map looks really solid, though I could see an expansion over somesort of structure, maybe added aesthetics. The name is also a bit bland, and the rock holding the grenade launcher is a bit random.

    AMALGAMATIQN Forerunner

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    Are you sure that having Warthogs/Revenants on the map is such a good idea? The walkways (catwalks) are too narrow to have ample space for proper vehicular gameplay.
  9. PA1NTS

    PA1NTS Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    There are no vehicles usable on this map. I made exploding vehicles far above the map so that debree would fall randomly. It was kind of an extra twist I added.

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