Final resort

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by timmypanic, Nov 7, 2011.

  1. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
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    Final Resort

    Hello, welcome to a preview on a map I am working on. I only started today and have a lot done, and most of the budget spent.
    Recently I started a map halo mix . That map isn't this one although half is similar.
    I forged some of what I remember off last resort and made it symmetrical. I have had to forge caves to keep balanced which adds extra ways that can work well in game.

    Weapons 2 x sniper +1 clip 120s,
    10 x dmr 10s,
    1 x central middle rocket no clips 60's,
    2 x shotgun,
    2 x needler and needler rifle.
    8 x frags,
    2 x plasma central.
    2 x health far.
    Vehicals ... I have 2 revenants although I would like to add 2 more vehicals or maybe remove all.
    I removed 2 lights from either cave as I felt it still needs 2 more structures in the large grassy areas.




    I have a few small problems with map, the trees that are in the way on one base. And lack of rocks to make the map work better. I have forged the cave copying the other side although I do need to spend more time getting both to look more similar, but other than the small problems I am fairly happy with the lay out, although testing will get more opinions.

    Hopefully I will get some testing soon and get this ready for posting. Comments and opinions would be helpful. Thanks for looking
    #1 timmypanic, Nov 7, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2011
  2. Shik

    Shik Forerunner

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    Oh my fu... the last resort wheel, looks legit, it also looks like the spokes are in the way s o you can't ride up it with a mancannon. But this is pretty accurate in my opinion, and an interesting place to build it
  3. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
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    Thanks for feedback, the spokes in the wheel are dead center, and dont effect going around wheel. It's oversized too. I had to forge a hill to copy the large hill on beach side base. Put spawns and some finishing and I feel this is close to ready for testing.
  4. Silentraine

    Silentraine Forerunner

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    I'm really liking the way this is looking bud, you kept a familiar theme and added several changes, some I see that I had mentioned on the first preview. It looks like itll play quite well and I like that you were able to make it mostly symmetrical this time around :), It honestly looks like it has more cover and aesthetic value than OTT had. I'm really liking the change for the most part, I'll miss the broken wall look the doors gave but I completely understand the change from doors to the tunnels and they fit the theme really well.

    When would you like to work on testing this beast? :), And as far as vehicals mm I feel that perhaps four vehicals for each side could work out, leaving the revenant and adding a ghost, chain gun warthog, mongoose,. This would make it more flexible for CTF and assault, and help balance some of the long sight lines and height variations, should be plenty of room for some good vehiculuar fighting.
    #4 Silentraine, Nov 9, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2011
  5. spy penguin

    spy penguin Forerunner

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    personally this map looks great the wheel looks great this map should be in aniversary but sadly it's not. but this map is great hope to see the full version you should move it a bit closer to the water for a better effect
  6. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    When you get around to testing, I can help out. I could also make a video for it if you want.
  7. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
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    Thanks, this was a complete re-forge hence the new thread, and I'm still unsure what to do with the previous map. I wanted to implement the natural structure with the map, it is fairly symmetrical but the huge hill can tilt balance and when I forged a hill same size on opposite team fr took a serious plunge so I have removed. I reforged cave parts and they are looking better. There are 2 main rock parts to mirror the 2 caves that are already on forge world. I am having problems with transition from either base to the wheel as the wheel is oversized and central of it is heigh.
    Vehicals, hopefully I will have enough cash for a hog and ghost for each team, I have around 1500 left including weapons I placed aprox. Appreciated feedback

    Edited by merge:

    I know everyone who thinks of zansibar or last resort thinks of the beach where you first start , and I agree, but if you look at a birds eye view of the original maps, structure wise the place I have picked is very simmilar in shape. This area makes use of the paths and caves, that couldn't be implemented fairly in a symmetrical style map. Thanks
    #7 timmypanic, Nov 10, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2011
  8. Exile

    Exile Forerunner

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    Looks very nice so far, cant wait to see it finished.
    If i may make a suggestion, add some more structure to the wheel, right now it sorta looks like its just sitting in the middle and could roll away any second.
  9. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
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    Thanks, will be a great help. I will let you know when its ready.... Been on fallout 3 for last couple of days , will get back on this map tmrw :)

    Edited by merge:

    That is a part that I would like to improve visually, I do have a load of platforms left to try something if fr can take it. Thank you
    #9 timmypanic, Nov 10, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2011
  10. firedune

    firedune Forerunner
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    I've seen quite a few Zanzibar, er... Last resort remakes in forge, and some of them bo look nicer than this. As this map does have it's own twists, i'd expect gameplay to be much better and new but familiar. Great job not just making a straight remake, but adding in some new twists. Can't wait to see just how this thing plays.
  11. Elite Warrior5

    Elite Warrior5 Forerunner
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    OMG! Finally. This was my favorite from halo 3. Are you gonna place the invisible powerup on it? Are you gonna have the ramp-jump through the wheel? Are you going to place the explosives in the original place? Are there more remakes to come?

    lol. I sound like a reporter.
  12. Silentraine

    Silentraine Forerunner

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    Mm timmy, I has a idea to keep the wheel from looking so floaty. Why not use two brace larges placing them close as you can to the wheels center on each side, use a ramp 2x2 on the bottom most part of the brace and top to make it look connected. After that add a platform xl or xxl bottom side up underneath both. Inbetween the brace larges add smaller blocks to make it look like bridge struts holding the pieces together.
    I honestly think thatd look really neat and different and block some of the los between bases as well.

    As far as the forged cave mm, if it just ends up looking sloppy just take it out, it doesnt have to be completely symmetrical. Just add a piece of cover on the cliff side and it should work out fine considering the water cave and walk up cliff provide a good balance of natural caves for both sides. The natural terrain inbetween bases should be fought over either way to gain vantage points, I'd rather see how that works out than see you have to stress yourself out on building the cave symmetrically as possible :).

    But those are just words for thought, and as far as the other project mm I still feel it should go for a waterworks appearance mixed with some zanzibar and valhalla aesthetics for the bases, I'd gladly help out when you decide :).

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