Triquetrous Warfare (3 new gametypes introduced)

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Vogeln Heart, Nov 10, 2011.

  1. Vogeln Heart

    Vogeln Heart Forerunner

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    So to start off, the new gametypes are different versions of one bomb/flag and territories. This map is specifically meant for these 3 gametypes and will not work well with the regular ones. I'll go into detail more after I show some of the map.

    Blue base.

    Green base.

    Both bases are identical. Bombs spawn on the inside and the flag is captured on top. There is a tower on top of each big rock structure (which has a shotgun in it) next to the base.

    The inside houses a revnant, default warthog, and 2 mongooses. There is a covy sniper rifle located in each one as well.

    Now you might be wondering why the bases are Blue and Green as aposed to the usual red vs blue. This is why:
    Red base houses a revnant, 2 mongooses and a rocket hog. Also in the stucture in front of the base has a sword and a covy sniper rifle is lingering somewhere around the main base. Also there is a one-way teleporter in the base that leads to the middle tunnel on the island.

    This is where the new gametypes come in.

    It's 2 (blue and green) vs the 1 (red). Up in the saucer looking area of red base is where the flag is located and the bomb is planted. For capture the flag red team is the only one with a flag and blue and green team have to get past reds defences and if they get that far fight eachother to get the flag to thier base.

    For assault both green and blue team have their own bomb and try to plant theirs first. For both assault and flag one point wins the round.

    In Territories there are five areas to take. Red team can not take any of them and blue and green have to fight to get 3 areas first (three territoires wins the round). Both blue and green team can stand in a territory at the same time and the capture time will go down. But once it hits zero it does not capture until there is only one of the teams in the territory. So either one of the guys leaves it to give it to the other team or one of them gets killed by the other team.

    All three gametypes have three rounds lasting five minutes each. Each team will spend a round in each base and bases change colors according to the team spawning in them. Play with a min of 3 players per team or a max of 5. Keep teams even.

    Two little back storys and then I will get back to the map. What i am about to tell you I have deliberatly gone into forge many times and tried to figure out a way to do and spent hours and failed. And then I am working on this map and figured it out on accident. If you look at the second picture on red base you will notice a revnant near the water. That revnant is floating there. there is nothing under it holding it up. If you get in it it will drop to the ground. If you get out of it after it drops it will float back up into it's place. I made a map that show this with more vehicles in different ways. It's on my fileshare and it's called Vehicle Deployment. As far as I know, no one has done this yet.

    To explain the name (Triquetrous Warfare) Triquetrous is latin for three sided. And I thought that sounded cooler then Three Sided Warfare. Plus it makes me sound smart.

    Ok back to the map. So behind red base is water that you can drive and walk over without dying. Rocks and antenas mark how far out you can go.

    Green's side has 2 things put in to make it more even with blue's side. First is the structure for cover to make up for the rocks and tree's blue side has. The second picture shows rocks going around the medium sized hill to make up for the cave on blue's side. those last two things have a cuncusion rifle.

    Going to blue's base from red base there is a turret like on green's side. Also notice the pillar next to the turret. There are ones exactly like this all over the map that are colored the same color as the base you are going towards. So say green team has your flag, your not having to run all the way to the base to discover you have ran to blue base.

    Directly in front of red base is a little structure to help provide support to your teamates on the ground. There are four ways to get to here on foot. One from the grav lift on the ground (which has a plasma launcher near it). Two and three, the grav lifts next to blue and green's towers. Four from the top of the mountain. There is a hole in the floor of the stucture that drops you through a one way shield above the tunnel to slow you down so you don't take damage. There is also a ramp in the stucutre that leads to the roof and there are rocks that will help you get to the top fo the mountain.

    On the opposite side of the island from red base is a neutral building with a falcon located on top. On the first floor there is a grav lift that takes you to the second floor that has 2 grav lifts (one shoots you towards blue base and the other green) If you pass the temptaion of the grav lifts you will go to the third floor where the falcon is located. In the bottum of the base under the water is a rocket launcher. The rocket launcher is standing on end so you should be able to see it as soon as you enter the room if it has spawned (It is not set to fixed or phased).

    The only way to get to it is a 2-way teleporter located on the middle of the mountain.

    There's a soft kill zone in the room with the rocket launcher (to prevent camping with a flag for example) and another one on the second teleporter so somoene doesn't stand on it so the person in the room can't get out.

    And I will finish this off with an overview of the map that shows the soft safe zone and all it ingulfs.
    The safe zone only goes 45 feet (not sure if the falcons altitude is in feet or meters) above the tallest point on the mointain. I didn't go as high as I could to make it so the falcon wouldn't fly way out of range making it hard to hit.

    Other weapons on the map include:
    Plasma pistols, plasma grenades, needlers, needle rifles, and DMRs.

    Where ever there is a plasma grenade there is only one. I did this because, one you usually respawn with frag grenades so don't really need more of those and also I don't like tons of grenades on maps. Takes all the fun and skill out of it. So thankyou for taking the time to read all the way through this and please leave a comment.
    #1 Vogeln Heart, Nov 10, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2012
  2. PractiseCactus

    PractiseCactus Forerunner

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    I really like two vs. One sided objective play, it sounds really interesting and fun. So kudos on the great idea.
    As for the forging, the blue and green bases seem rather simplistic and bland in comparison to the red base (which looks pretty damn good). But in picture 6, that building looks rough and unfinished becouse of the circular ramp's usage. Might want to clean that up a bit.
  3. Sasquatch

    Sasquatch Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well this is very interesting. The gametypes definitely look really fun, and the map seems designed to make good use of them. Red base looks fantastic. All of the other structures look anywhere from good to great. Aesthetically, this map is pretty awesome. I normally don't like the Island for forging, but you have done a very good job here.

    Gameplay-wise, the gametypes look like fun. I imagine the map plays quite well. My only concern with the layout is that I doubt many people will go to the side of the map opposite red base... it's just really far away from the action. One more thing might be that there are too many vehicles. I mean, the island just isn't great for vehicle combat, plus vehicles could make it easier to camp another team's base. Those are relatively minor details though; I am having difficulties finding suggestions for improvement, so you should be proud.

    As a side note, when I glanced at this map post, I saw "Warfare" and "3" and for a brief moment thought this may or may not have been related to a game which may or may not have been released recently. Then I read the full name and breathed a small sigh of relief.

    Overall, this is an excellent map made for some very unique gametypes. I hope to see more awesomeness like this from you in the future!
  4. Vogeln Heart

    Vogeln Heart Forerunner

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    Thankyou for your comments. And just to put it out there I will never make a Modern Warfare map on Halo. That would be an abomination lol.
    To address PractiseCactus's post. I wanted to keep blue and green base basic. I wanted a base to just house the vehicles. I'm not to worried about camping on this map because usually it helps to have more than one person to camp a base for a long period of time (unless you have the human sniper rifle on this map which there is not one). And if a team is camping another teams base the thid team has it alot easier. So say if blue camps green they don'treally have alot of people taking on red. and If Red camps green then blue is going to have an easier time taking the objective.

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