This map is somewhat inspired by danger canyon and is still in the first stage of creation. This is a BTB map that is focused around 6v6 to 8v8.
Map layout looks pretty good, but near the center of the map, those rocks look great, but looks like an eye soar ( Spelling? ) without any near the bases IMO. Too Open on the sides... ( Near the far ends ) Is this meant for BTB? Because There are too many vehicules in one place if not. Finally, any weapon placements yet? Looks good for a Plasma Launcher from past experiences. ( I see this weapon on top of the middle row, ( Last Picture ) and can't tell what it is... )
Thank you for the feedback. Yes it is for BTB and there is a rocket launcher on the middle bridge. I was also thinking about whether or not i should put rocks closer to the base. Should i keep the bases the way they are or should i redesign them?
I'll just tell you... I don't like it because it is against anything natural. Nobody would place random rocks on metal like that. I suggest lowering all the objects a lot.
Danger Canyon you say? I loved that map. Anyway, great job with the pictures. Usually previews aren't too descriptive of a map, and so with some great overviews, I can tell you that this map looks solid. More-or-less symmetricality is a good feature letting players know exactly where they are. Rocks are also good for cover against those 'hogs and revvies. A good tip: Rocket hogs are excellent counter-vehicles for revenants. You also may want to put one or two double rooms in the back corners of those bases for cover and some health packs in them, much like the bases in Trident. You may also want to put a small "hill" on the middle of the map to limit LOS on the map as it's pretty flat with very little height variation.I understand that this is just a preview, and that it will be improved on, yet some advice foe this map would be to try and incorperate a theme (and some asthetic pieces based on the theme) as even tough the layout looks sound, it looks visually bland. Hope this feedback helps, i'm looking foward to DLing. Edit 1: My sig is unusually fitting fot this map...
Thanks and it will help. Next time i will work on i will add what you said and about the rocket hog you mean add 2 to the existing amount of vehicles or replace one warthog with a rocket hog. If you want you can friend request me and help me with aesthetics. XBL gamertag ScareCrow813.
I would love to help, and i mean to replace the 'hog in the base with a rocket hog, as it appears you have 2 default hogs for each team; one for the main base and one for the secondary. I would also like to help with spawn times and weapon placements. I may be on at around 9:20 EST today, or over the weekend. My GT is firedune22.
The map seems a little bland and ugly with all that greyness, try adding more colors and more natural terrain to spice up the map.
I mean that all good BTB maps have grass. It just looks better and plays better with the small hills.
cool and i will not be on today but thursday night and friday all day and the weekend. ok so the one in the base. i am EST also. Sinless and warrior i can make my own hills would that work with the tin cups.
I would personally work on mechanics first, and add the "colors" and "Grass" later. Standard tin cups and raised large round ramps could work to replace some of the rocks, while adding in color and serving as a sort of "landmark" for players to get their bearings.
If you want tp check out some of my asthetic pieces, here are some pics: getting that Covy feel yet? It's the closest I could com to that flood feel -some more covy asthetics I'm great at polish and astetic design, and can help finalize your designs.
Hmm my opinion is that I think the map would look better if moved completely to the canyon itself, I just feel itd look much better and save you pieces,. As far as the inspiration ive heard danger canyon was a really good and competitive map, so I feel that it could become a very fun project. I just dont really like the rocks on or sticking through the metal, kind of ruins the maps appearance as they just dont seem natural,. I honestly like the look of the map itself, especially the bridge platform I just feel you can go further with it, maybe build the small tunneled rooms that are connected to the bridge platform similiar to danger canyons. It has potential as a btb map, I just feel itd be much better if using a different location.
I'm picking up quite a few problems with this map, regarding both aesthetics and gameplay. Aesthetically, it doesn't do much for me. The rock cover seems lazy and not thought out and the use of pre-fab buildings always hinders creativity. Gameplay wise, you only have one high point on the map, pointing all flow towards it and making every other spot on the map underpowered and almost useless. My suggestion would be to move it down to a natural area to make the rocks feel more natural and to give the map a better look and feel in general. Some more pictures would be helpful in trying to figure out the height differences between the ground floor and the higher platforms. But just from what I can judge, i'd say a middle-height platform needs to be added to make the higher platform not as powerful.