Only by 20%. Plus it looks way better and the warthog still has main control. Gameplay is not affected at all.
high noon is the the map that was the best the weapon placment was spot on i loved it when i played halo pc timberland was quite nice with all the vechiles but now it's 20% smaller so it is not going to be as good and high noon if you can remove the middle pillars cover up the sides and plug the middle ditch and youve got the best grifball map of all time at least i think it would be.
True but I have also heard the rumor of forgable trees. If this is true then we can make "Tree" houses. :lol: However I am kind of upset that no one has voted yet for Solitary (but that is just because I have been a great fan of the map. Especially after I remade it in sandbox on halo 3).
Those aren't rumors, there have been multiple confirmations of forge-able trees. If I remember correctly, then we only get one type of tree, but that's still better than nothing. High Noon/Hang em High has basically been confirmed to be some sort of Forging canvas, though the extent of that is unknown. We know that all of the bridges and tombstones are forge-made, so take out all of those, and we get a relatively blank canvas. The other objects that make up the bases are all very blocky, and some of them have suspiciously in-congruent textures, meaning that other parts of the bases are likely forge-made. I'm expecting the same objects as FW with new textures, and a budget equal to FW. I'm hoping that the objects don't have dynamic lights attached to them, and that glass is removed for the most part. (Aside from windows and the such.)
To be swiftly swallowed up in the horrendous flood of other tree house maps made by people who can't think up any ideas that would actually be good. 98% of which will probably be infection. [br][/br]Edited by merge: I don't think it will have the same objects as FW, similar yes but none of the objects from forgeworld can economically make the bases from Hang 'em High. They are probably more like the pieces from Sandbox with a few new bits thrown in.
I laughed when I read what the name of Headlong is going to be. What the **** kind of name for a map is breakneck? Seriously? That has to be the lamest name for a map I've ever heard. Also, you spelled Penance wrong.
I keep looking at High Noon to figure out how much of it is Forgable. Any objects covered with sand and plants (more than just a flat texture) is fixed, so thats mainly the floor and the platform areas around each base (which also have networks of tunnels in them). I'm almost totally certain that the shield wall is removable. It looks a bit out of place, especially since the other side just has a glass window. You can see close ups of it in gameplay videos and the High Noon trailer, players run through the new tunnels and you can see some small forged windows merged with the shield wall looking just like something you could make on Forge World. So I guess its nearly totally clearable, there's a space just outside for floaty maps and I'm sure we can make a new raised floor so those existing platforms won't really be an issue
Ehm... yeah, no. You can't remove all tombstones. There's a distinct difference between the tombstones as seen in this picture. As you can see the ones at the marked as green have good lighting and detail whilst the ones marked as red have neither of these and are Forge objects. Also, these Forge tombstones are in places where the original version of Hang 'em High didn't have any whilst the detailed ones are in placed where they were in HeH, further supporting that the red marked ones are the only Forge-able tombstones. A for the pillars: They also seem to have a lot more details and better lighting and shadows than we've seen on a Forge object thus far. Therefor I very much doubt it's possible to delete them. The bases don't seem Forge-able either. The only areas you'll be able to Forge are the parts 343 changed up a bit to accommodate for the Reach playstyle (Just like the extra tunnels for Battle Canyon which can be closed off with Forge objects). Like I said: Don't get your hopes up. Anniversary is 6 days away from release. If you could Forge the way you can on Forge World, Foundry or Sandbox they would've announced it already. The only thing feasible is a similar situation as with Tempest. They could include a lot of the FW objects, but I very much doubt that there is an (or that you can create your own) empty canvas.
I chose Solitary, the Prisoner remake, because I appreciate the aesthetic creativity they put into it. They could've just made a bland greyish box like the first one but instead they made a visually appealing winter environment. Also I'm going to make a variant of HeH, but instead called Lynch Em' Low.
You bring up several good points, and now I'm inclined to agree for the most part. The tombstones have shadows, certainly making them more than likely natural geometry, but I'd say the bridges are still forgeable to an extent. Maybe not all of them, but some of them are a tad suspicious, and videos have shown that bridges are spawnable. I'd be very disappointed by 343 if a forging canvas wasn't included in this map pack, to be honest. Though looking at what they've delivered so far, I suppose it's not too hard to believe. They gave us the Title Update, which was just a few little changes. Sure, they were changes that everybody wanted, but it could've included so much more. Plus, they haven't exactly been updating their playlists regularly. It seems like everyone's abandoned Reach to an extent, so I really should stop getting my hopes up, but what can I say, I'm goddamn ****ing optimist!
Sorry, I meant pillars where I said bridges. The pillars themselves don't seem like Forge pieces, but the bridges connected to them certainly do.