In here, tell us your favorite class in MW3. To keep it organized please use this format: Primary Weapon: Spoiler Proficiency: Attachments: Camoflage: Secondary Weapon: Spoiler Attachments: Lethal Equipment: Tactical Equipment: Perk 1: Perk 2: Perk 3: Strike Package: Spoiler Streak 1: Streak 2: Streak 3: Death Streak: I will be posting mine later.
Primary Weapon: Spaz-12 Spoiler Proficiency: 2 attach. (i'm trying to work fast on completing challenges for it.) Attachments: Red dot, Grip Camoflage: Blue Secondary Weapon: no idea Spoiler Attachments: none Lethal Equipment: semtex Tactical Equipment: concussion Perk 1: Sleight of hand pro Perk 2: Assassin Pro Perk 3: Steady Aim Strike Package: Support Spoiler Streak 1: UAV Streak 2: Vests Streak 3: I don't have a 3rd because it takes too long to get to the 8th kill for the next streak. Soo... after 5 it resets back to UAV for me. Death Streak:Last stand
Can you not put spoilers in because if many people post these it's going to be a pain to open them all. Maybe something like this. Code: [noparse]Primary Weapon: [indent]Proficiency: Attachments: Camoflage: [/indent]Secondary Weapon: [indent]Attachments: [/indent]Lethal Equipment: Tactical Equipment: Perk 1: Perk 2: Perk 3: Strike Package: [indent]Streak 1: Streak 2: Streak 3: [/indent]Death Streak:[/noparse]
I don't think so, but if you want you may. I've also got 2 main classes: CLASS 1 Primary Weapon: ACR 6.8 Spoiler Proficiency: Focus Attachments: Holographic Sights Reticle: U-Dot Camoflage: Snake Secondary Weapon: Stinger Spoiler Attachments: N/A Lethal Equipment: Claymore Tactical Equipment: EMP Grenade Perk 1:Slight of Hand Pro Perk 2:Quickdraw Pro Perk 3: Stalker Pro Strike Package: Assault Spoiler Streak 1: Attack Helicopter Streak 2: AC-130 Streak 3: Osprey Gunner Death Streak: Martyrdom ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLASS 2 Primary Weapon: AS50 Spoiler Proficiency: Impact Attachments: Extended Mags Camoflage: Digital Urban Secondary Weapon: Skorpion Spoiler Attachments: None Lethal Equipment: Claymore Tactical Equipment: Trophy System Perk 1: Blind Eye Pro Perk 2: Assassin Pro Perk 3: Marksman Pro Strike Package: Support Spoiler Streak 1: Sam Turret Streak 2: Recon Drone Streak 3: Escort Airdrop Death Streak: Final Stand