So I forged this map in two sittings on one day and I actually love it. I usually don't love my own maps, but I'm really happy with the way this is turning out. It's kind of a mixture between Quake-styled gameplay and normal Halo 1v1 gameplay. And I'm going to let you download it and try it for yourself! YAAAAAAYYYYYYYY! Here's a couple pictures: Download Raya Download Gametype (0% Bloom)
/never-gonna-be-posted But srsly, looks good. EDIT: Looked around it in forge, I liked it. The layout was confusing as **** to me, though.
A very creative design with predict-your-opponent's-movement gameplay. The death pits are annoying at first (due to the darkness of the map), but once you familiarize yourself with the layout, it adds an interesting element to the gameplay.
I got it down in like 1 mins of gameplay. Really love this one Ace. Like I said, I'm even attempting to have that sort of game setting for Caia. Really give a quake feel. I cant believe you forge this in one and your ways!
do you and erupt have something going on? I saw it on his thread, but this looks sick. Can't wait for it to be done.
Very, very fun map to play on. Tweak the gametype and weapons, and you'll be golden on this one. Also, post a preview of Santrap BTB thing/wisdom teeth/other BTB map/ALL THE OTHER ****ING MAPS YOU HAVE. Goddamn. Actually, screw the previews, just post the maps. Just do it. No testing. One picture. Do it.
Needs less 1v1, more 4v4 or 2v2 at least. Oh, and less purple too. /amazing critique with very constructive suggestions. Looks awesome, I just hate the effect... and 1v1s
ANOTHER Quake map? Dang, Rouge is right. Still looks amazing though, especially the second pic. I'll DL when its released.
*Pompously takes credit for this quake trend Did you end up changing that room I had made suggestions for, or did you leave it? In the game or 2 I had on this, I think it's got potential. I don't think it's perfect yet, but it's getting their. Being an advocate of quake style gameplay, I think this is a nice mix between quake and halo. It's a solid map, for sure. <3
I've updated the map. Changes include: Spawns changed a lot Camo and Concussion rifle switched Changed the silent lift to a ramp various minor geometry changes You can download it here. I'd really love other people's feedback other than the just the people that I've played with. I've gotten some good feedback from Xzamplez, Kuroda, Eightball, Erupt and Longshot so far... thanks guys! Edit: I actually didn't change that room at all but now seeing what Hulter had to say about that area, I'm considering it. I could probably do something like you wanted to see while accommodating the problem Hulter had. I'll see what I can do.
I don't like how you often hit your head in the ceiling when jumping from that high spot to the long circular walkway ramp thingy. I found it really annoying, getting pushed away and down into the pit below every other time I tried. I could see people arguing it makes it take more skill, but I honestly just find it annoying. No other major complaints in mind. It was pretty solid. I played it with Xample a few weeks back.