Hello everybody, this is my newest map to date. This map is basicly a big room where the humans spawn, and two entrances for the zombies to get in. Anyway, here are some pics: Here is one entrance (the entrance with the crate is in the far right corner and you can't see it from this angle): Here is another view of the entrance, and a grav lift going to a human camping place: Here is how to get through the entrance with the crate: map - YouTube Another holdout place: Here is a quick flythrough of the map: reach24812355 0 - YouTube Please DL and enjoy!
Okay, the first issue I have about this map is a pretty big one. It's EXTREMELY stacked in the humans favor. You should NEVER have camping spots, intentional or not. It makes gameplay as a zombie very frustrating and boring, when you're building a map, you should always think of both sides, not just the survivors.
Got to agree with this ^ Before you say I havent played the map, you called some places 'camping spots'. Remember, no one likes a camper.
The camping spots would be good but they are both in horibble spots on the map and the zombies have sprint, and can come from two different places, making it very hard to camp. also the humans have a shotgun and a grenade launcher so its hard to shoot the zombies while they are running towards them, so they basicly have to wait with their shotguns and it's actually pretty hard to kill zombies on this map unless the humans work together.
The map looks good, I like what you've done with the green against the blacks and blues, it works really well. However, despite what you said, I have to agree with everyone else. You can't have camping spots in a map. It does unbalance it for the zombies, no matter how difficult they are to kill. You get one guy who's decent with a grenade launcher and the zombies have no chance.
Trust me. Once you play this map you'll notice that there are NO good camping spots, try it out and you'll understand what i'm talking about.
The videos don't seem to work, or that could just be me. Maybe you didn't use the proper IDs, at least that's what I found out to do wrong back when my videos used to fail
Uhh, Minion, nobody likes a camper. There should never be camping spots. Even though the zombies have sprint, humans have pistols.
That's even worse. The map looks good, but even if there are bad camping spots, they are still camping spots, and people will still rush to them like Red Vent on Sword Base. In general, camping=unbalance as well as horrible flow. I'm not trying to attack you or your map. I'm only giving you advice so your maps will be better.
Try making an area with at least 2 or more ways to enter, it will provide balance and it will force the humans to work together, as for the weapon, try giving them assault rifles, it feels a little more realistic.
When I tested this map, nobody ever camped in those spots. They would rush to the spot, realise that it is horrible, then leave. I'm not just saying that to support my map. watch the vids and you'll see that at 0:03 on the map fly through the red guy runs to the "camping spot" then at 0:08 to 0:09 the red guy is walking away from the spot. Also you may think that people could just camp by the entrance with the shield doors, but the zombies can just go into the entrance on the ceiling and come from behind. [br][/br]Edited by merge: The room has two entrances there is one on the ceiling and one in the corner. [br][/br]Edited by merge: yup, I fixed them, I'm not entirely sure what was wrong with them though.