
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Paranoia UK, Oct 29, 2011.

  1. Paranoia UK

    Paranoia UK Ancient
    Senior Member

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    By Paranoia UK



    Kalmaya is a new map I have created with the aim of supporting a more competitive style of gameplay compared to previous maps of mine. The map is aimed at Team Doubles but will support FFA too. Kalmaya is the first new map I have made since returning to forge a few weeks ago. Im hoping to create more maps with more of a competitive feel, if this map goes down well with the community I will create some more in a similar style. ​

    Map Build and Design

    Despite my aim for a more gameplay orientated map I have tried to keep a nice clean look and decent aesthetics in the map. I have used forge pieces in different ways in order to keep the map original and fresh. The map is built mainly from Brace Large's in order to keep a nice clean look and also to keep frame rate drop to a minimum. It also features extensive use of Platform XXL's and Inclines for the same reason.​

    Kalmaya is built in the center of the canyon. It uses the natural geometery to bring in some fresh color to the ever so grey of forge world. It also brings in some interested gradients which are impossible to replicate well with the forge pallette.​

    Weapons and Gametypes

    The map has a competitive weapon set up. Although the map is best suited to DMR starts there is always one nearby just in case you get caught short. There is a sniper, shotgun and rocket launcher all set to a long respawn. After the initial rush for these power weapons there is also a concussion rifle to increase fire power until the big guns respawn. Along with these weapons the map is boosted with a selection of DMRs, Pistols and Automatic weapons. ​

    The map is set up for Team Doubles, Headhunter, King of the Hill and Oddball. The map is aimed at Team Doubles but also supports up to eight player free for all.​

    4 x DMR
    2 x Plasma Repeater
    2 x Plasma Pistol
    1 x Concussion Rifle
    1 x Rocket Launcher
    1 x Shotgun
    1 x Sniper Rifle​

    2 x Plasma Grenade​


    Overall I am very pleased with the outcome of Kalmaya. As previously stated I plan to construct some more maps in this style if the map is well recieved with the Halo community.​

    I'd like to thank PatchworkZombie, Prz Govier, AJW34307, Marmajuke and Syphon Octane for helping with numerous testing sessions. Thanks guys.​
















  2. xDTx Kaos

    xDTx Kaos Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Wow, I really like the looks of this. It brings back a halo CE feel. The forgeing is very solid. I'm defiantly a big fan of your pallette usage. The brace larges, inclines, and colosseum walls really contrast with each other. I will try to get some games on this so I can better comment on the playstyle. But as for aesthetics this is top notch. Good work.
  3. Zigywig

    Zigywig Forerunner

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    I absolutely love the structure you made with the banks, really looks nice. Other than that, I agree with Kaos on bringing back that CE feel. DL'd and nom'd.
  4. Combs53090

    Combs53090 Forerunner

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    I agree with everything that's been said. Everything about this is fresh, simple and clean. Really great map.


    I've only given one other map a 10.
  5. xzamplez

    xzamplez Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Definitely my most preferred map from you as of now. You were creative with the use of some objects, and the map has a quake feel, which I love.

    I would strongly suggest removing the glass, not only for framerate reasons, but also because of the type of gameplay it promotes.

    I can't say too much too much about the flow or balance until I play on it, but I might comeback with some useful feedback.
  6. Psquiddy

    Psquiddy Forerunner

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    As DT Kaos said, it brings back and incredible feel of Combat Evolved, and thats why I downloaded it. The constant grays of forges these days, and the lack of creativity really put me down, and your map brightened my day and gave me new ideas. Having an already amazingly clean and smooth looking map deserves a feature, but the gameplay? This should be on matchmaking.
  7. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Wow, this is quite refreshing, Paranoia. The layout looks amazing and the object use is so simple yet you've done a great job at mixing such few pieces together.

    In my honest opinion, you could do without the covenant crates and barricades. They just don't seem to fit well with such a gorgeous map.

    I really like those bank columns, I think instead of the glass covers on the upper walkway in pic #1 you could make some more of those bank columns there instead.

    Man, this is making me so jelly I don't have a working xbox, YET..

    Keep up the great forging, bro.
  8. Equin0x

    Equin0x Forerunner

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    Well, get to work on that then! Anyway, sorry I haven't been posting on your threads, I haven't been posting on maps lately.

    On Topic: This map looks very clean and neatly forged, and from the pics I can assume that it is a fairly small map. The textures of the banks contrast well with the window, collosseums and mix well with the brace, larges. I have to disagree with Eightball regarding the covenant scenery, though, as I find they add a nice theme and color to the map's black, gray, and white palette.
  9. Paranoia UK

    Paranoia UK Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks guys. Such great comments is really appreciated. :)

    Thanks 8ball. I was debating about the barriers for a while. I wasnt too sure if the bright colors from them would go well with the minimal color pallette of the map. In the end I went for them as a cheaper option to LOS blockers. now that ive gotten used to them I quite like them.

    Thanks Equinox. Its ok, I dont post on map threads usually either. Its too easy to offend the authors and to get infracted for not putting enough detail into your post. Normally i just send a personal message over live if if I really like the map. I agree with the scenery too, they inject a bit of color into an otherwise minimal color scheme.

    Thanks for the comments guys it really does mean a lot to me, also thanks to those who nominated the map for FHF. Cheers guys :)
  10. CosmicJosh

    CosmicJosh Forerunner

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    Love it!

    A beautiful map you have here. Wow! I cannot say enough wonderful things about the looks and layout! The weapons work well and the glass areas look good too. Also, I had no split-screen issues with two people.

    The two things that didn't work for me were the spawns and the med-pack placement. When playing with my brother I barely killed him, and then while trying to find a med-pack he killed me. He spawned right next to where I was, and my shields had just finished re-charging. I'd prefer one more medpack personally. But, that's just me.

    Congrats on this map, this will be staying on my hard-drive for a long time.
  11. Dizzyman572

    Dizzyman572 Forerunner

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    I really like this map you've got here. I think you've really nailed that whole Halo 1 feel quite nicely. Heck, you've even managed to put all of my favorite weapons with an appropriate amount of time, spare clips and distance. I would love to get a full blown game going on Kalmaya as soon as possible.

    On a side note, your map will also make nominating for the next FHF a lot easier.
  12. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Great job on this, and it is good to see you are still putting out quality maps. Some ingenious use of pieces and structures and this has a really clean look about it, mostly using the same 3 objects really well, inclines, braces and col windows. Thers are some nice areas, variations in height and a great little lay out.
  13. RoboArtist

    RoboArtist Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    You cant even imagine the amount of people you have just inspired right now. Those use of banks are brilliant and very aesthetic.
    All the bright forge pieces got old for a change and you inovated in such a way that it catches my eye in a split second. Great map allthe same!
  14. WAR

    WAR Cartographer
    The Creator Forge Critic

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    love your use of banks, wonder how it plays...seems very open. Congrats on the nomination!
    #14 WAR, Nov 6, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2011
  15. Paranoia UK

    Paranoia UK Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks, the banks add a different colour into the map i think. they're also a nice size to build LoS blockers from. In terms of open-ness the map actually plays very well as it is. The LoS blockers are thoughfully located to allow players to avoid long DMR deaths.
    Thanks for the comments I really appreciate it. If ive inspired some people then i consider the map a huge success.


    Thanks man, clean and clear is what i was going for in this map. imn glad it paid off. thanks for the nice comments it means a lot to me.

    Thanks very much, thats very kind of you. Im glad the map has a CE feel to it, seems to be ideal seeing as what it just around the corner ;)
  16. Teerav11

    Teerav11 Ancient
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    I cant figure out for the life of me what you made those black pillar/structure from? is it bank?! I love em and its driving me nuts trying to figure it out :p
  17. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    This is a really great map, man. I ran around on this for quite some time last night, and I rarely do that any more. The design is elegantly clean and simple, and you've used some great pieces to achieve your look. I hope this gets a lot more attention.
  18. Hydrolysis

    Hydrolysis Forerunner

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    I agree with many of the comments! This design and color pallette of the map definitely bring me back to the days of Halo CE! Great work... I hope to see more like this!
  19. EpicChief117

    EpicChief117 Forerunner

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    Unlike other maps, this map has many original aesthetics thrown in while maintaining the covenant theme well. From the design, it looks like it plays well. Good job!

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