Right, so, my very first map ever. Heck, knowing me, it's probably overdesigned to a near comical extent, as I tend to do with all my game design stuff, but nonetheless! The devil is in the details, as they say. Onto the description! History The Drievuldigheid Reactor was one of the first of it's kind; a towable fission reactor, semi mobile for wherever the need may be. As the war with the Covenant stretched on, the reactor was brought in to Reach, providing support and power for the embattled planet. Several battles would be fought over control of the plant, the last of which accidentally caused the core to condense in a neutron star, filling the upper level with dangerous amounts of radiation and dropping the entire structure out of orbit. Now, while it's operators are gone and the reactor falling into disrepair, the only thing left are the remnants of the battles fought on it prior. Structure This map is very tiny, but very open. Very, very tiny, probably much more than it needs to be, a fact I figured out while I was making it. Still, there's not a lot of maps this size out there, and there's plenty of paths to meander through and some interesting vertical sightlines. Multi layered as well, whipping back on itself quite a few times. Plenty of spawns for all game types, and lots of opportunity for unique pathing choices via jumping. Weapons -Covenant- 2x Needle Rifle 45/2 2x Plasma Rifle 50/2 2x Needler 35/1 1x Spiker 30/2 2x Plasma Repeater 60/1 7x Plasma Grenades 30 1x Energy Sword 70/1 1x Gravity Hammer 90/1 1x Focus Rifle 80/1 2x Plasma Pistols 25/2 1x Plasma Turret 135 -Human- 1x Grenade Launcher 60/3 1x Mounted Machine Gun 130 1x Rocket Launcher 180/1 2x Magnum 25/1 7x Frag 30 1x Sniper Rifle 120/1 1x Shotgun 65/1 4x Assault Rifle 30/0 2x DMR 45/1 So, plenty of weapons. Not to worry though, all of the power weapons are on long start timers and some are just in extremely dangerous places to be. Pictures Forgive the poor shots, I'm just getting used to the camera tool. The main courtyard Top of the red base Bottom of the blue base Looking down from the core Red bridge looking across The whole structure looking across the blue bunker Looking up at the core Red bridge and tower Looking into the courtyard from the blue bridge As I said in the beginning, my very first map ever. Any and all feedback is extremely welcome! Thanks for your time.
this map looks kinda confusing, you should have a far out over view of the map , to held players under stand the shape of the map better, but besides that u have some decent creativity to create great maps in the future keep up the great work
I added more pics, but hopefully I can get some kind of video up, as some of the layers are harder to discern without motion or actually being in the map.
Took about....hmm...10 hours constructing and 5 editing? Like I said, my first map, but I spent a lot of time on spawns, weapon timing, attempts at balance and cleaning up the lines. I've been polishing it up according to feedback, so the latest is, as they say, the greatest.
Very cool map. Like the theme. Every map that has sheild doors, its the best camping spot ever! Oddball with go strait to that door. And to be honest I dont think it really does anything but hurt the gameplay. I would just delete it, gives you more budget aswell.
Think so? Like I said, it was a very early map of mine, so I'n deff open to improvement ideas. And I would like more budget...but would the angled covers above them be good for bouncing grenades down into it? That was the idea, but I would totally understand if that just seems contrived >_> Still, thanks for the [first ever] piece of advice and evidence that people actually played the map!
Try not to use too many premade structures like buildings and when you do, rotate them and try to use them in a way Bungie wouldn't expect you to.
Yeah, this map was mostly me getting a feel for forge and seeing the logical limits of working with verticality. My other maps are much more....inventive.